To almost be a Christian is to be a child of Satan. Introduction: Almost… is a sad word. It’s meaning is to fall short, to be very close but not quite. Therefore, to almost win is to loss. To almost pass is to fail. To almost __________ is to __________. We recognize the heartbreak of almost in the material world, but it takes on a whole new dimension when we think about it in spiritual terms. The saddest words heard at the judgment will be the bitter cry of almost. To almost be a Christian is to be a child of Satan. To almost repent of your sins is to die in your sins. To almost be saved is to be eternally lost. To almost go to heaven is to be sent to hell. As the old song says, “Almost cannot avail; almost is but to fail; sad, sad, that bitter wail -- almost, but lost.” Beginning with Acts 21:17, recount events leading up to Paul’s defense before Agrippa.
Paul’s Defense Before Agrippa: (2-3) Paul states his purpose. He recounts: (4-11) His past Judaistic life (12-18) His encounter with the Lord (19-23) His obedience to his calling (24-26) Festus interrupts (27-29) Paul focuses on Agrippa. (30-32) Agrippa says Paul is innocent Events Leading Up To Our Text: Paul returned to Jerusalem, arrested in the temple (Act 21-22) Before the Jewish Council (ch. 23) Plot to kill Paul (23:12-22) Before Felix (ch. 24) Imprisoned for 2 yrs. (24:27) Before Festus (ch. 25) Appeal to Caesar (25:11-12) Before Agrippa (ch. 26)
“Then Agrippa said… ‘You almost persuade me to become a Christian.’” (Act 26:28) Much debate on the sincerity of this statement. I tend to think that it was sincere because: Agrippa had not only a knowledge of Jewish customs (26:3) and belief in the prophecies of the prophets (26:27). He wouldn’t be the first leader to “almost be persuaded” Festus had knowledge of the way (Acts 24:22, 25) So let’s not just out of hand dismiss Agrippa’s statement.
3 Reasons That Might Have Kept Agrippa “Almost Persuaded”: Position (1 Cor 1:26-31; Mrk 8:34-38) Position: Contrast between the pomp and circumstances and the prisoner in chains. Based on Festus’ words in 25:24 Paul must have been awful looking or at the least unimposing. For Agrippa to be persuaded to become a Christian would have been beneath the prestige he enjoyed as a King. Christianity flourished among the lower classes (1 Cor 1:26-31), including slaves (Eph 6:5-9; Col 3:22-25; Phl). Not to say that there were no Christians of some social standing, there were (cf. Acts 8:27; 10:1; 12:12; 13:1, 7; 16:14; 17:4, 12). However, within the confines of the church, there was no one of prestige, for all were equal (Col 3:11). Agrippa lived in two worlds. On one hand being the descendent of the Jewish King, he had the responsibility to appoint the High Priest and so he in affect dealt with the Jews. On the other hand, he was intensely loyal to the Romans. Even to the point of fighting with them against the Jews during the revolt of 66-73 A.D. To have become a Christian would have jeopardized his powerful political position. In Mrk 8:34-38, Jesus revealed the true depth of following him, it requires that one give up all things, power, prestige, position. If we are ashamed of Him now, He will be ashamed of us when He returns.
3 Reasons That Might Have Kept Agrippa “Almost Persuaded”: Sinfulness (Gen 4:7; 1 Jhn 2:15-17; 1 Cor 10:13) Sinfulness: Agrippa and Bernice were involved in an incestuous relationship. Even though she had many lovers she always came back to Agrippa and he always accepted her back. They were inseparable (Acts 25:13, 23; 26:30). For him to have become a Christian would have meant he would have given up the love of his life, not so much Bernice, but his sin. Even among the wickedness of the 1st Century, the pressure and push back against such a relationship was great. Nevertheless, Agrippa continued, time after time, to open his arms and heart for her, for his sin. He was “almost persuaded” because he would have had to given up his sin. Sin is powerful and enticing (1 Jhn 2:15-17).
3 Reasons That Might Have Kept Agrippa “Almost Persuaded”: Lineage (Mat 10:37; Php 3:7-9) Lineage Last of the Herodian Dynasty: Grt-Grandson of Herod the Great (Mat 2:1-18) Grandson of Herod Antipas (Mrk 6:14-29) Son of Herod Agrippa 1 (Acts 12:1-24) Ruled parts of Palestine, Syria and appointed High Priest. He was of Idumean decent, who knew Judaism (25:13-27; 26:27).
Will you remain, “Almost Persuaded” today?