Livingston Sunrise Rotary Vision Facilitation Session July 26, 2011 Livingston Sunrise Rotary Club Members: 14 of 48 club members attended Ranged from 4 months to 36 years experience Average – 8 years in Rotary Representative distribution Rotary District 6380 Vision Facilitation Team PDG Lynn Morgan, PAG Manish Mehta, Michael Krause, and PDG Gerry Jackson
Vision Facilitation is: Taking the club where it wants to go/can go 5 year Plan Write down Ideas (Brainstorming -reality vs fiction) Short Action Plans Who does what and by when to achieve goals?
Why We Plan Planning is all about pulling in the same direction with a destination in mind. Strategic Planning provides continuity between leadership terms Planning steps - Vision - Long Range Plan - Actions and Programs Continuity, Consistency, and Consensus (Unanimity)
Strength of Rotary at Club Level Effective Clubs: - Sustain Members - Successful Service Projects - Support the Rotary Foundation - Develop leaders beyond club level
PLANNING Who are we? Where are we? Where do we want to be? How will we get there? How will we know when we arrive?
Vision Exercise Write a letter as if it were 2016 to the Rotary International President explaining why your club deserves the distinguished Gold Medal as recognition for being “the best of the best.”
Vision "...We want to be the Gold Standard for community service projects/organization; the most widely recognized and respected service club in our community. There is no place like Livingston Sunrise ... " "... A model for literacy, decreasing hunger & decreasing youth substance abuse ... " "..Club reputation as being a community leadership incubator..."
2016 Membership of Club 76 - 90
Attributes "... Friendly & open club ... " "... Our projects are ‘hands-on’... " "...FUN..." “…Diverse mix: wide range of professions & socio-economic backgrounds; representative of our community’s cultural mix
Club Service "... Our projects are structured around social activities...." "...Our outstanding program speakers are publicized..." "... Mentors for new members..."
Vocational Service "... Club sponsors county-wide Reaching Higher program..." "... Expand scholarships to include a scholarship for the Trades...“ "..Develop youth mentor program...our own version of Big Brothers/Big Sisters"
Community Service "... Open a county-wide Rotary Youth Center..." "... Develop community gardens...“ "... Develop our own brand of one day projects similar to United Way’s Day of Caring..."
Humanity Service Fundraising 4th of July nets $100,000 annually Midnight in the Tropics nets $125,000 annually Town Hall Speaker Series nets - $25,000 annually
International Service "... Water project that involves ‘hands-on’ and international travel..." "... Youth Exchange: host 2 inbound students...” "... Apply for global grant & partner with St. Croix Rotary club..." “…Belize hands on project: opportunities with medical, domestic violence, literacy & water…”
New Generations (youth service) Our projects are so youth focused, we didn’t need a separate category for this.
Rotary Foundation "... Club grants for projects..." "...100% EREY (every Rotarian every year)...“ "... Utilize Paul Harris points to match individual contribution; support member participation…”
Public Image "... Utilize ‘Livingston Talk’ blog..." " releases to include solicitation for new members...“ "... Take advantage of club’s writers; do professional brochure & promotional DVD..."
…and then next steps Action Who When 1. Compile the facilitation sheets Chuck T. Done 2. Create a vision statement from S-Team ?????? info gathered this 3. Set a club forum or assembly Brenda 8/5/2011 to present and discuss "findings" w/rest of our club 4. Set club Strategic Team meeting & S-Team 9/9/12 develop Strategic Plan (who, what ,when, how) 4. Club champion for Vision Facilitation Bryan monthly (Keep visioning results in front of the club) 5. Review 1 year from today Everyone July/2012 6. Strategic Planning report @ Board meetings Board monthly
Think about it John F. Kennedy “There are risks and costs to a program of action, but they are far less than the long-range risks and costs of comfortable inaction.” John F. Kennedy
Think about it “Just Do It” NIKE
Think about it “Git ‘er done” Larry the cable guy
Thank you Rotarians