Microscopy Terminology Biology
Microscopy Term 1: The study or use of microscopes. Function: Microscopes are used to magnify or enlarge the image of an object.
Term 2: Microscope a piece of equipment that allows one to look at small objects that cannot be seen by the human eye
distance beyond and front of object in focus Term 3: Depth of Field distance beyond and front of object in focus
Term 4: Resolution The ability of your microscope to discern or differentiate between two separate points. This improves clarity.
The distance between your objective lens/lenses and the stage. Term 5: Working Distance The distance between your objective lens/lenses and the stage.
Term 6: Parfocal Some microscopes (most) have this feature which allows them to remain in focus under all powers once they are in focus under one.
Term 7: Field of View The field of view is the area of the slide that you are looking at as you look through the eyepiece (ocular lense). The higher the magnification, the smaller the field of view.
The ability to see the difference between light and dark. Term 8: Contrast The ability to see the difference between light and dark.