Questions to ponder… Military Admissions Program…do you have one? Can it be better? For your prospective student veterans: Who/Where are they always directed to? What are they told or asked? When/How/Why are they referred to other staff for resources? Do these staff members understand why they are unique? Do you focus on challenges or strengths? Why? Do you recruit them? Is this different from Military Admissions? Why? How? How many student vets are on your campus?
Navigating a new environment…
Serve Well Those Who Have Served! Building Bridges & Foundations for Success: The Art of Military Admissions Colonel Gerald “Jerry” Smith, USMC (Ret.) Veteran Resource & Support Center Karen Cambronero Military Admissions Liaison Serve Well Those Who Have Served! March 4, 2018
Plan of Attack… Agenda First Contact…Triage? It’s all about the transition(s)… Challenges & Strengths A Full Range of Support? The “Art of Military Admissions” Data makes a difference C5S Strategy & 5 Guiding Rules Q & A/Discussion Beginning Attendance Return of Title IV Aid Cost of Attendance Proration Award Proration 150% Subsidized Loan Limits 600% Pell Limit Satisfactory Academic Progress Scholarships
“Closely aligning these functions merits careful consideration…” Bottom Line Up Front… Military Admissions IS NOT “Recruiting” Point of Caution on “Co-location” Collaboration requires honest communication Recruiting Focus = Institutional needs Goal = Getting them “to” the university Military Admissions Focus = Student Veteran needs first Goal = Getting them “through” the university “Closely aligning these functions merits careful consideration…”
A little definition… Agenda triage noun tri·age \trē-ˈäzh, ˈtrē-ˌ\ Beginning Attendance Return of Title IV Aid Cost of Attendance Proration Award Proration 150% Subsidized Loan Limits 600% Pell Limit Satisfactory Academic Progress Scholarships 1a : the sorting of and allocation of treatment of patients according to a system of priorities designed to maximize the number of survivors
A little more definition… Agenda triage noun tri·age \trē-ˈäzh, ˈtrē-ˌ\ Beginning Attendance Return of Title IV Aid Cost of Attendance Proration Award Proration 150% Subsidized Loan Limits 600% Pell Limit Satisfactory Academic Progress Scholarships 1a : the sorting of and allocation of treatment (individualized support) to patients (student veterans) according to a system of priorities designed to maximize the number of (academic) survivors
1st Contact Triage Discussion What it sounds like…
It’s about the transition(s)… What first comes to mind? Getting them “to” school A better thought… Getting them “through” school But there is more…! Getting them to “engage” in school.
It’s about the transition(s)… Traditional Student: Sequential Transition High School to College (maybe 1st Generation) College to Workforce Student Veteran: Overlapping Transitions “Sandbox” to Home & Family – A process; not an event! Becoming a civilian & a student (maybe again) For the entire family …another PCS move! Full-time Employment to Unemployed/Part-time Multiple universities College to Workforce (older than “Traditional Students”) GOAL = To & Through, Engaged!”
Perspective makes a difference… CHALLENGES Isolation/Alienation Change of Identity Time Management PTSD/TBI Transfer “GPA Drop” GI Bill benefits & $$$ Healthcare STRENGTHS Maturity & Discipline Diverse Experiences Leadership Core Values Communication Collaboration Achievement/Success Too often, this is where we tend to focus! Identifying & applying their strengths is key!
A Full Range of Support… Typical Veteran Support Model = Connection & Engagement Orientation Graduation Reactive & Deficit-Based Expanded Model Includes: “Application to Vocation” 4 “Fitness” Pillars of Support Proactive & Strengths-Based Application Orientation Graduation Vocation ACADEMIC FINANCIAL CAREER WELLBEING TAMU Veteran Support Model = Connection & Engagement
What is Military Admissions? Uniquely collaborative support network Personalized services Recognizes & engages student veteran experiences & strengths to: Increase acceptance rates Enhance transition success Foster academic success Promote positive career & life outcomes
Key Ingredients Knowledgeable (Academics & Military) Accessible Personable Honest Not afraid to ask HARD & DIRECT ?s Time Knowledgeable – More than just admissions support. It also includes Campus/Community Resources, Student Vet issues. Accessibility – Not behind the Admissions “Gate”. Center of campus. Personable – Engage them on an individual level, know how to get them to open up, Know people! I care! Honest – Not afraid to be “brutally honest.” Will not set them up to fail. Not afraid to ask ?’s Time – Work load pace….longer than normal hours; not because you have to, but because you want to!
First Contact “Triage” Discussion Points (Art) As a prospective student vet, who are they? What do they want to do after graduation? Where have they been & what have they done? Likes/dislikes? Strengths? What major? Why? Are they ready to transition to our campus? Other unique circumstances that may impact academic success? Initial dialog was just 4 minutes that really represented 40+ minutes. Get to know them. The leading question is not what do you want to major in? Identify strengths to help them overcome their challenges Designed to proactively identify academic “options for success” & to refine or inform expectations and goals.
First Contact “Triage” Functional Points (Science) Investigate & choose major Review transcripts & check for pre-reqs DD214, ICD Credit & Military Transcripts Confirm coursework “transferability” before they register at current school Present potential extenuating circumstances to Deans/Advisors
At (and after) Orientation…more Art! Connect with Resources/Support (PAVE) Maintain the relationship Connect with peers Keep them engaged & participating Reinforce their strengths/successes Watch them graduate & get great jobs!!!
Data Matters…”to” Military Admissions Direct Impact Veteran U/G Transfer CY13 CY14 Accepted 35.4% 46.6% Enrolled 31.1% 36.9% All TAMU U/G Transfer CY13 CY14 Accepted 43.0% 44.7% Enrolled 29.5% 33.4%
Initial Cohort Baseline Data Spring 2017 Cohort All TAMU (Transfer) Acceptance = 51% MAPIT (Transfer) Acceptance = 81% Retention Non-MAPIT = 66% Retention MAPIT = 88% 1st Term GPA Non-MAPIT = 3.00 1st Term GPA MAPIT = 3.02 Avg Overall Student Veteran GPA = 2.94
Data Matters…”engage” Military Admissions “Engagement” Value (Vet Camp & “Veteran Only” Class) Vet Camp Participation Rates Aug ‘13 = 8% Jan ‘16 = 58% Jan ‘18 = 88% Veteran Only Class 2009 – 2011 = 1 for 3 2013 – 2017 = 5 for 5 U/G Student Vet Avg GPA = 2.94 Vet Only Class Avg GPA = 3.21 Vet Only Class w/ Vet Camp Avg GPA = 3.31 Vet Only Class Persistence/Grad = 98%
Data Matters…”through” MAPIT, VRSC & Career Center Collaboration May 2017 Student Vet Data: 43% completed internship or COOP 89% had post graduation plans (13% next degree) Average Salary Range: $58,000 to $84,000
Identifying & Tracking Matters… How many student veterans on your campus? Tracking “non-benefit” student vets is hard! Underestimated & less engaged by VSOs. TAMU Confirmed Total = 1100 322 or 29% not on benefits Military Admissions is the foundation of our application to vocation tracking model
Impact… …absolutely outstanding experience my brother (active duty USN), his wife, and I received today. The entire experience far exceeded any of our expectations…Ms. Allen did more for my brother in 2 hours than I had done for myself by any advisor in the last 5.5 years. The entire team was absolutely wonderful from the moment we walked in until we walked out. My journey to Texas A&M was a long arduous process…I applied to TAMU from the side of a mountain in Afghanistan. Karen is the reason I am at Texas A&M and am successful…Without her, I would have never attained the goal of someday completing an education after the military.
The “C5S Strategy” Co-Location: Physical location & organizational structure matters! Communication: More than just asking the right questions; it requires active listening! Collaboration: Effectiveness is defined by the size & use of a collaborative support network. Commitment: Requires a sense of shared commitment by all stakeholders from application to vocation. Challenges & Strengths: Understanding their challenges is required, but helping them proactively apply their strengths is critical!
The “5 Guiding Rules” Always remember… Student veteran first! Spend the time…it’s an investment in their future success at your institution. Build & use your network. Understand their challenges & help them apply their strengths. Never, ever forget…What you do (or don’t do) will change lives!
“Our commitment to them must be worthy of their commitment to us!” Final Thoughts… It’s all about: Understanding & supporting the transitions Knowing why/how they are unique Helping them navigate the new environment Identifying their strengths An “Application to Vocation” Mindset “First Contact” is the KEY to all that follows! Data changes the conversation… It’s the “right” thing to do! It’s the “smart” thing to do! “Our commitment to them must be worthy of their commitment to us!”
Serve Well Those Who Have Served! Final Thoughts Surveys…turn them in! Sign up for Vet Camp! Questions? QUESTIONS? Serve Well Those Who Have Served!
Learning Outcomes Agenda Beginning Attendance Return of Title IV Aid Learn how a Military Admissions capability can enhance student veteran academic success, persistence, retention, graduation, and employment opportunities. Understand the techniques that enhance the “art” of Military Admissions in a “fist contact triage” discussion. Recognize how Military Admissions can enhance identification, tracking, acceptance rates, and continued participation in other campus veteran support programs. Recognize how an effective Military Admissions program differs from campus recruiting efforts. Beginning Attendance Return of Title IV Aid Cost of Attendance Proration Award Proration 150% Subsidized Loan Limits 600% Pell Limit Satisfactory Academic Progress Scholarships