Ive never worked with a peer partner before how does it work? Partners in the P2P project can work together in a number of ways… On academic tasks (studying, working together in class, completing requirements for independent study credit for P2P) Accessing the campus (using the libraries, using the fitness center, using the student centers) Participating in organized activities (club meetings, events) Social interaction (hanging out on or off campus)
Do I have to know anything special? Have you ever… Held a door or helped someone carry something? Tried to make someone feel welcome? Shown someone how to do something they have never done before (use a cell phone, make a pizza, play a game, etc)? Given someone directions (to your house, to a classroom)? Talked to someone who communicates differently than you do (like someone who speaks another language)? Helped a friend with a school assignment or on the job? Then, you have provided natural supports to include or to assist someone.
So, I just need to use natural supports? Most of the time, yes. If partners need to know something special to support each other (like, using a communication device, iPad, or a mobility device), they may need some advice or instructions. P2P staff will help you learn anything special you need to know.
Peer partners are… Agreed upon (no one is forced to participate and partners write an agreement Both learners (ready to help each other and talk to each other) Individuals (every one has different needs and preferences) Reliable Working together to reach goals
Reflection and Response As part of your participation in P2P, you will be asked to reflect on some questions about what you and your partner(s) are doing and respond to video clips, news stories, articles, etc. that will be posted on our Facebook page. Reflections will be posted to the discussion board on Blackboard (we will give you the password after your application is approved) Responses will be posted on the P2P Facebook page. If you are seeking independent study credit for your participation in P2P, these reflections and responses will be part of your grade.
How do I get started? Log on to the P2P website and download an application. There is also a great introductory slideshow you can view. You can find the the P2P website at: