Production of Phi meson at 62.4GeV AuAu Collisions Outlines: 1.Dataset , cut & method 2.Centroid & Width 3.Correction Factor 4.Spectra 5.Conclusion Shengli Huang Vanderbilt University Group Meeting Feb14 Shengli Huang
The dataset, cuts and methods DataSet: 62.4GeV Au+Au: full field: -- Centrality:0~83.7% |VertexZ|<30cm The total events~ 34M Kaon selections: Quality 31&63 Momemtum Cut ~ EMCal: mom<2.5GeV/c ~ TOFw: mom<4.0GeV/c Ghost and intruder tracks are kicked out Mixing event methods: 8 centrality bins 6 VertexZ bins 10 mixing events Normalization methods: 1)Akiba:Nevents/Nmixevents 2)Hemmick:2*sqrt(N++N--) 3)Integral yield(m0>1.10GeV) Group Meeting Feb14 Shengli Huang
The Phi signal Centroid & Width Min-Bias Fit Function: Breit-wigner with Gaussian mass resolution of 1.4MeV Width: 4.61 ± 0.46(sta) ±0.58(sys)MeV Centroid: 1.020±0.0002(sta) ±0.0009(sys)GeV Consistent with PDG value Group Meeting Feb14 Shengli Huang
The Centroid & Width @Centrality The centroid and width of phi meson have not centrality dependence Group Meeting Feb14 Shengli Huang
Correction Factor(I) Group Meeting Feb14 Shengli Huang
Correction Factor(II) Embedding Results: Cent K+ K- K+K- 0~20% 0.921±0.070 0.889 ± 0.077 0.819 ±0.007 20~40% 0.980±0.062 0.961 ±0.064 0.942 ±0.008 40~83.7% 0.988+0.060 0.977 ±0.068 0.963 ±0.009 Run-by-Run: reference #123202 Group Meeting Feb14 Shengli Huang
Spectra The invariant yield of phi meson as a function of mT at three different centrality The error is statistic error only. The systematic error is about 3%. It mainly come from different fit region and normal methods Fit function: Group Meeting Feb14 Shengli Huang
dN/dy@centrality The 1/0.5Npartdn/dy at 62GeV AuAu is smaller than 200GeV AuAu They both increase from peripheral collision and saturates at central collision. Group Meeting Feb14 Shengli Huang
T Slope@centrality The T slope of phi meson at 62GeV is smaller than 200GeV. They both do not show centrality difference. Group Meeting Feb14 Shengli Huang
Conclusions 1.The production of phi in 62.4GeV Au+Au collision has been studied. 2.The centroid & width of phi meson do not show clear centrality dependence 3.The T slope &1/0.5*Npartdn/dy at 62GeV AuAu are smaller than 200GeV. At these two energy, the T does not show centrality dependence, while 1/0.5*Npartdn/dy has a little increase from peripheral to central collisions Group Meeting Feb14 Shengli Huang
The Phi signal Centroid & Width 3.Integral:4.03 ± 0.44MeV 1.Akiba: 4.61±0.46MeV Min-Bias Width: 4.61 ± 0.46(sta) ±0.58(sys)MeV Centroid: 1.020±0.0002(sta) ±0.0009(sys)GeV Consistent with PDG value 2.Hemmick:4.93 ± 0.47MeV Group Meeting Feb14 Shengli Huang