Assignment, Discussion & Activity with 8.3 & 8.4 Mock Supreme Court Assignment, Discussion & Activity with 8.3 & 8.4
8.3-8.4 (page 80) I. Powers of the Supreme Court: (pp. 250-53) A. What is the role of the judiciary? B. Define judicial review. C. What case gave them this power? II. Explain the limits on the Supreme Court: (p. 253) III. Explain or define the 3 ways cases reach the SCOTUS: original jurisdiction appellate jurisdiction writ if certiorari (rule of 4) IV. Explain the 5 steps in hearing a case: V. Explain 2 reasons why the decisions of the Supreme Court is important:
How do cases arrive at the Supreme Court?
Federal District Courts US Supreme Court US Court of Appeals Federal District Courts State Supreme Courts State Trial Courts Federal Route: Must involve a constitutional issue or legal error of federal law State Route: Must be a constitutional issue or involve a federal law!
Cases Before the SCOTUS, p. 81 For each case, 1) read the pages 2) explain what the case was about & 3) tell the route 4) Tell what the SCOTUS decided: Gideon v. Wainwright (p. 794) Bush v. Gore (p. 793) Korematsu v. US (p. 794)
Mock Court, p. 82 Read cases. Answer the question in your opinion. Debate the case. Take notes on sheet. Vote on case. Write opinions. Discuss as a class.