Name things that run on batteries? Do now 11/13 Name things that run on batteries? Then tell me what molecule inside of your body acts like batteries.
ENERGY ATP - Adenosine Triphosphate Stores chemical energy released from cellular respiration releases energy for life processes by losing one phosphate to create ADP (Adenosine diphosphate) Stores energy released from food by adding a phosphate to ADP
Which molecule has more stored energy? Battery Comparison Which molecule has more stored energy? ATP
Chemical Energy & Food Calorie: energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius Chemical energy stored in food (glucose) is released by breaking chemical bonds during cellular respiration
RELEASES stored energy ATP / ADP Cycle ATP STORES energy REMOVE a phosphate ADD a phosphate RELEASES stored energy ADP
ATP / ADP Chemical Reactions Reactants Products (start with) (end with) ATP ADP + P ADP + P ATP Hydrolysis enzymes + Water + Energy Dehydration synthesis enzymes + ? + Energy + ? + Water
Law of conservation of energy Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It can only be transformed into different forms.
What are the different kinds of energy? How does energy present itself? Is all energy the same? List a couple of ways in which energy presents itself.