Answers to Assignment No. 2 Chil/dren Dif/fe/rent or Dif/fe/rent Be/lief Am/bi/tion Won/der/ful
Spelling Day Artificial Eleventh Injection Committee Business Accommodate Signature Envelope Dedicate Foolish
Read Activity 6 p. 39 English Expressways (Reading) Question… What will you feel if someone special like your family forgets to great you on your birthday? Read Activity 6 p. 39 English Expressways (Reading)
Let’s see how you understand… Who was turning eleven? What would his friend usually do a day before his birthday? Where did they went the following morning? What is his mother’s work? What did he expect his mother would give him? Why werethe classes suspended that noon? When he returned home what happedned? When he saw his family’s surprise party for him, what did he felt?
Activities… Turn to page 38 read the words inside the boxes. Do practice reading in p. 39. Do Activity 6 p 39.
Assignment Underline the words that have the f, ff, or ph sounded as /f/ into the following sentences. She draw a sphere on the board. Man has traveled in space outside the earth’s atmosphere. The earth has a spherical shape. The different phases of the moon are the new moon, first quarter, full moon and last quarter moon. The phenomenon could be explained on the basis of scientific principle.