Math-distributive property HW WS LA-6 Traits House Notes quiz tomorrow (prep, conj, inter, verbs, adj, adv, nouns) Reading-Intro media sources evaluating sources Science-density practice #3 HW go over Myst. Can. Lab quiz tomorrow SS-introduce group project/presentations student roles/responsibilities Computer lab
b Recognize and analyze the elements of various literary and media genres.
To be more specific: What is a source? What are some strategies for evaluating sources?
What is a source? A source is a person who provides information for a news report.
Types of sources Witnesses and Officials Witnesses are present at the time of the event or are directly affected by it. Officials are people who represent the government, a business, and so on.
Types of sources Experts Often experts are quoted after an events occurs. They are qualified to chare their knowledge about what happened.
Types of sources Visual Sources Photographs or videotape can also be resources. News photographers take still photographs and video footage that are included in news articles and broadcasts.
Types of sources Sources as counterpoints One source may give one side of an event or an issue. In the SAME report, another source may have a very different view.
Strategies for Evaluating Sources Identify a source by name and determine his/her role. Question why a source is included in a news report. (What is this source helping me to understand about the event?)
Strategies for Evaluating Sources Be aware that what you hear or see is not the entire interview. Think about how the sound bites, quotations, or images support certain facts. In reports that include countering or opposing sources, check to see that the two sides are balanced or are represented equally.