Applied Communication Skills Detective Matthew Tinney Detective James Burton
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Seven Active Listening Skills Reflective/Mirroring Open Ended Questions Minimal Encouragers Emotion Labeling Paraphrasing I Statements Effective Pauses
Active Listening Build rapport: More information: Slow down: Emotional Labeling More information: Reflective/Mirroring Open Ended Questions Slow down: Paraphrasing
6 Basic Facial Expressions Sad Surprise Happy Angry Disgust Fear
9 Basic Cat Expressions
De-Escalation Techniques Confused / Disoriented Ground Them Angry / Irritable Listen, Diffuse, Deflect Sad / Desperate Instill hope Anxious / Panicky Calm, Redirect, Re-Assure
Barriers to Active Listening Arguing Ordering Judging Pacifying Derailing Moralizing Getting caught in the “Rescue Trap” Using Police Jargon
Intervention and Interaction
Intervention and Interaction Empathy vs. Sympathy
Intervention and Interaction Talk like they are your friend Be yourself / Be committed / Be prepared Speak with each individual on their level Don’t lie You won’t be able to establish rapport with everyone
Intervention and Interaction Reduce external stimulus when possible Sirens, non-essential personnel, radio volume, television, etc. Encourage positive behavior Say thank you Take baby steps if needed
Tactical Considerations Time Instant action or Time to talk Time deescalates Cover vs. Concealment Distance Giving up ground does not = defeat Do I have enough 82
Tactical Considerations Less Lethal Option Talking behind a Gun Suicide by Cop
Thank You James Burton Matthew Tinney 505-924-6010 505-924-6063