Bellwork #3 - 1/12/14 Tabitha has a lot of friends from the softball team she plays on. She’s one of the starting pitchers and is extremely athletic. She is in danger of being kicked off the team though because her grades are quickly slipping. What two aspects of the Health Triangle is Tabitha strong in? Which one is she struggling with? Give Tabitha a few tips on how to improve that aspect.
You and Your Health Unit 1; Ch. 1-3
Elements of Health Physical Mental Social Nutrition, exercise, medical checkups, hygiene Mental Expressing emotions, dealing with stress, confidence Can also include spiritual health Social Relationships with others, getting along well, active listening, good communicator
Health vs. Wellness Health is the combination of physical, mental, and social well-being Wellness is an overall state of well-being
Promoting Your Health Lifestyle factors - personal behaviors and habits related to the way a person lives Prevention - practicing healthy habits to keep a person free from disease or accident Health literacy - the ability to obtain, interpret, and understand basic health information Critical thinking and problem solving skills Responsible, productive citizen Self-directed learning Effective communication skills
Influences on Your Health Heredity - traits that are passed biologically from parents to children Ex. Hair/eye color, tendencies, disease Environment - sum total of your surroundings Physical Social (friends, family, teachers Peers - people of the same age who share interests Cultural - collective beliefs, customs, and behaviors of a group
Influences on Your Health Behavior Risk factors - actions or behaviors that pose a health threat Protective factors Abstinence - voluntarily choosing not to do something Develop a positive role model and positive values Values - beliefs and standards of conduct that you find important
Influences on Your Health How does the media and our use of technology affect our health?
Building Health Skills Health skills - tools and strategies that lead to better and more informed health choices Social health skills Communication - sending and receiving information from others Clearly say what you mean, pay attention to how you say something, active listening, body language Refusal skills - techniques that help you refuse when urged to take part in unsafe or unhealthy behaviors
Refusal Skills Say “no” Explain why Suggest an alternative Back it up with body language Leave
Conflict Resolution Step away from the argument Let conflict subside Use good communication Maintain an attitude of respect Use “I-messages”