Sun Earth & Moon System
What term is represented by letter A? Penumbra
Waning Moon phase in which only one-half of the lighted side of the Moon can be seen from Earth 3rd Quarter
Which position represents summer in the northern hemisphere? D C A B C
Waxing Crescent
When the amount of the Moon’s lighted surface seen on Earth increases Waxing
A round three-dimensional object; Earth’s shape Sphere
The changing appearances of the Moon as seen from Earth Moon Phases
When all of the Moon’s surface that faces Earth is lit up Full Moon
Which position represents summer in the southern hemisphere? D C A B A
When the Moon temporarily blocks the sunlight reaching Earth Solar Eclipse
Waxing Moon phase in which one-half of the Moon’s lighted side can be seen from Earth 1st Quarter
Which position represents winter in the northern hemisphere? D C A B A
Reached when the Sun’s position is directly over Earth’s equator equinox
The imaginary line that Earth spins around Axis
What term is represented by letter B? Umbra
Phase that occurs when the Moon is between Earth and the Sun and cannot be seen New Moon
Third Quarter
Which position represents fall in the southern hemisphere? D C A B B
The spinning of Earth on its axis rotation
When Earth’s shadow falls on the Moon lunar eclipse
Which position represents winter in the southern hemisphere? D C A B C
When the amount of the Moon’s lighted side that can be seen becomes smaller waning
The point at which the Sun reaches it greatest distance north or south of the equator solstice
Waning Gibbous
Earth’s yearly orbit around the Sun revolution
Which position represents spring in the southern hemisphere? D C A B D
Which position represents spring in the northern hemisphere? D C A B B
During what phase of the Moon do all lunar eclipses happen? Full Moon
Where must you be to observe a lunar eclipse? On the night-side of Earth
Which position of Earth represents a solstice? D C A B A or C
Waxing Gibbous
Which position of Earth represents a equinox? D C A B B or D
First Quarter
What portion of the Moon is always lit by the Sun? ½ of the surface
Waning Crescent
Solar Eclipse
When it is summer in the southern hemisphere then it is _____________ in the northern hemisphere Winter
Lunar Eclipse
An elongated, closed curve ellipse