Session 5: Statistical Capacity Initiatives


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Presentation transcript:

Session 5: Statistical Capacity Initiatives Sub-regional workshop on Data Disaggregation 27-29 September, 2017 By Ghana

Introduction The SDG agenda on “leaving no one behind and reaching the most vulnerable “ has brought in its wake challenges and opportunities which every country has to take advantage of. In recognition of the critical juncture that Ghana finds itself now, based on work done on the SDG indicators since 2016 and the recent Data Roadmap Workshop/forum held in April, opened opportunities to form innovative partnerships .

Partnerships for capacity Initiatives with Office for National Statistics (ONS-UK) The African Center for Economic Transformation (ACET) with The Regional Institute For Population Studies (RIPs) –Legon ACET- experiences in policy analysis and advocacy RIPS- a graduate training and research institute at the University of Ghana, Legon offer degree programmes in Population Studies Statistics Denmark on administrative data

ONS-UK Partnership Strategic leadership – provide mentoring support to senior level staff to modernise the statistics office to lead in the data revolution. Data Interoperability – assist GSS to integrate new data sources emerging with existing ones. develop data platforms to make more data available to users.

ONS-UK Partnership cont’d Quality Frameworks – assist GSS devise quality assurance frameworks for data sets which GSS do not collect. Data Research and Capability - provide technical support to set up data warehouse to help users find data required and transform the data into knowledge for policy decisions.

ONS-UK Partnership cont’d Innovation - identify innovations to improve our efficiency and effectiveness of data collection, analysis and use of data. TOR

ACET-RIPS -Capacity Initiative In 2016 GSS initiated a process to review the data demands ,availability, sources, and frequency of data production. Enabled accurate identification of data gaps and how to close up using upcoming censuses, surveys, strengthen administrative data collection, and also integrate new data types.

ACET-RIPS -Capacity Initiative cont’d The overall goal is to create an Open Data Ecosystem where data producers can interact confidently and data users can utilise to support policy and decision- making in the public sector 3 components

Component 1 Indicator tracking platform hosted at GSS which will visualize the progress against key national, regional and international indicators. Platform linked to data sources created by data producers in 5 key MDAs Health, Education, Employment & Labour Relations, Water & Sanitation, Food & Agriculture

Component 2 Support for data producers within Research, Statistics, and Information Management (RSIM) Divisions of key MDAs Assess and review data sources, use, policy gaps and other opportunities. Include up-skilling around technical skill to produce Open Datasets as well as understand policies associated with it. (RSIM is the division responsible for data production, storage and dissemination) to build the supply of Open Data.

Component3 Build capacity for data users within Policy, Programme, Monitoring and Evaluation (PPME) Divisions of 5 MDAs how to utilise open data sources and better integrate data into real time decision-making processes Produce appropriate analysis to inform policy

ACET and RIPS combined vast experience in policy research and advocacy and capacity development. Secure some more funding

Statistics Denmark Strengthen administrative data collection in the National Statistics system(NSS) Preparation of MOU

Capacity Initiatives are to … Improve analytical capacity of institutional leaders to foster learning and use statistical data as evidence for making key policy decisions Enhance capacity to transform data into meaningful consumable products for decision making

Capacity Initiatives are to … Increase number of users who consistently use data Establish feedback from data users to producers. Improve tracking and measurement of SDG at regional, and national level agendas

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