Innovation Challenge and Audit PEEP Webinar Innovation Challenge and Audit
So you’ve been accepted, NOW WHAT? Return your W-9 ASAP. Get ready to teach some energy OR review some content. Prepare your administrators by filling them in on the details we’re about to discuss. Get that audit date on the calendar!
The Challenge Engage in energy-focused STEM activities in your classroom/club setting Choose/design an energy innovation challenge Document & share your work on the activities and the challenge Prepare your final project presentation Attend the celebration
Energy-focused STEM activities use existing NEED materials and other curriculum or student research to cover any content related to: energy transformations sources of energy (renewable, nonrenewable) electricity (generation, transmission, consumption) energy technologies industry careers efficiency and conservation of energy and materials Inquiry-based, hands-on, student-driven, opportunities for leadership
Challenge Take an energy concept and do something innovative with an energy challenge. Amplify your students’ learning by encouraging them to think beyond the usual lab activity: Start with a problem Think about how it could be solved Gather data Devise a plan Build or design or create Use your $500 grant to defray costs
Challenge starters – just a start Microgrid Solar Electric vehicles PA power generation mix Technology for efficiency and conservation No reason you can’t start with something and evolve it into something different.
PEEP is SOCIAL! Share your Progress. Document all classroom activities and progress on the challenge. Post pictures, updates, videos, project progress, etc., using the hashtag, #pecopeep. Post to Facebook, Twitter and/or Instagram. Each participating school is asked to post 1-2x per month between now and the celebration. Make arrangements to gain approvals post content, and/or request your school’s account make the submissions if you like.
Prepare to present Depending on the nature of your student-selected challenge students will need to have some deliverable (or combination): Display Model video Poster COMPLETE BY JUNE 5th. ***Item MUST be able to travel
Celebrate Bring students to TFI on June 6, 2017 Students will be fed Requirement Small contingent of students Transportation help can be arranged Students will be fed Students will have the opportunity to tour TFI Students will learn about career opportunities from professionals Students will present their findings & solutions to fellow students and STEM professionals in the energy industry and beyond Students & schools will be recognized for participation
AUDIT THIS! You will be given a date and time slot based on your preference during application. A CEM will contact you (Caryn or Todd) They may provide you with a short list of things to do ahead of time. You will receive a Monitoring and Mentoring Kit from NEED. You will use the tools during your audit, unwrap them and have them ready. Prepare permission to be with your students, enter school spaces, etc. Select up to 15 students to participate – prepare permissions for students, too! Plan for 2-3 hours, maximum
Contacts: Sharon Kiefer, The Franklin Institute or 215.448.1218 Logistics, timeline, grant checks, celebration/symposium Emily Hawbaker, NEED or 1-800-875-5029 Innovation challenge projects, curriculum, materials, troubleshooting