A well-developed persuasive paragraph = “CEEeeee…..” Sentence Example Claim it/Topic Sentence (what you’re proving or explaining in this paragraph) Odysseus is kind. Evidence (your reasons, data, examples that prove or illustrate your point) For one, he saved a puppy. Explain (your thoughts that explain how the evidence you just gave proves your point) This shows kindness because puppies are helpless creatures and need someone to care for them. If he was mean, he would have ignored the puppy’s cries. more evidence Secondly, he gave his ice cream cone to his shipmate. explain again This demonstrates kindness because he could have eaten the ice cream himself, but he went without so that his shipmate could enjoy a tasty treat.
Constructed Response In a well-developed persuasive paragraph, choose one word that describes Odysseus and explain why that word describes him OR choose one word that describes Polyphemus and explain why that word describes him OR state the author’s bias and explain how you know that is the author’s bias