Thierry BERTOUILLE Desk Officer for Central Asia EC strategy in Disaster Risk Reduction and Dipecho programme in Central Asia Thierry BERTOUILLE Desk Officer for Central Asia Dipecho Regional Conference in Bishkek November 18-19 2009 28/11/2018
Presentation outline General information on DRR and DP EC intervention in DRR The Dipecho programme Dipecho in Central Asia The 6th Dipecho action plan for Central Asia Conclusion Some useful internet links 28/11/2018
1. General information on DRR/DP 28/11/2018
Definition of Disaster Risk Reduction “The conceptual framework of elements considered able to minimise or reduce disaster risks within a community or society, to avoid (prevention) or to limit (mitigation and preparedness) and to manage (emergency response) and recover from the adverse impacts of natural and man-made hazards, within the broad context of sustainable development” (International Strategy for Disaster Reduction) 28/11/2018
Factors of disaster risk Natural hazard Vulnerability + = Disaster Risk Earthquakes Floods Mud- and landslides Landslides Hurricanes/cyclones/typhoons Volcanos Droughts Tidal waves Socioeconomic situation Infrastructure quality Housing Environmental degradation Level of organisation …. Governance/rule of law Climate change is expected to increase the unpredictability as well as the intensity of disaster patterns 28/11/2018
The disaster Risk Management cycle 28/11/2018
2. EC intervention in DRR 28/11/2018
ECHO/ Civil Protection The EC intervention in disaster Risk Reduction IN ECHO : Disaster preparedness programme - DIPECHO Integration of disaster preparedness elements in ECHO´s emergency activities (mainstreaming) Advocacy to other EC services and other donors that can include partnerships (not financial once) with organizations like WB, ISDR, UNDP or other UN agencies PREVENTION MITIGATION PREPAREDNESS DEV / RELEX ECHO EMERGENCY RESPONSE To provide relief to victims of disasters ECHO/ Civil Protection 28/11/2018
Action plan ECHO internal policy 7th Research framework programme EC Policy, action plans and funding instruments for Disaster risk reduction Strategy (february 09) Action plan ECHO internal policy (end 09) Dipecho and DP budget line Stability instrument DRR facility (10th EDF) European Neighbourhood and partnership Mainstreaming DRR in Humanitarian Aid Mainstreaming in Development Cooperation instrument 7th Research framework programme Funding instruments 28/11/2018
3. The Dipecho programme 28/11/2018
Main activities funded by Dipecho Safety culture Relief preparation Relief provision Poverty Reduction Disaster Disaster Preparedness Emergency Preparedness Emergency Response Reconstruction & Development Risk mapping Rescue teams DRR mainstreaming Education Stock piling Mitigation Awareness Evacuation mapping Capacity building Coordination mechanisms Advocacy 28/11/2018
Common features Target the most vulnerable communities and institutions at local and national levels and through regional cooperation Multi-hazard approaches encouraged Partners encouraged to build synergies with development programmes Increased effort in the concept of “pilot” projects and replicability, documentation and dissemination Reinforce the response capacity through provision of basic equipment and stockpiling of response items at local level Climate change adaptation as a component of DRR Short-term operation: maximum 15 months 28/11/2018
Based on the lessons learnt Key success factors to limit the number of casualties Population must know what to do during and after the disaster Population is able to provide the first aid to victims Need of good coordination between local and national structures and the international cooperation agencies/NGO’s Thanks to Dipecho’s interventions, the number of victims of the last years disasters in the region was reduced 28/11/2018
4. Dipecho programme in Central Asia 28/11/2018
Indicative use of funds 2003-2009 Total budget: € 22,375 M (€3,2 M/year) Indicative 5th Dipecho allocation - Local Communities and authorities: 50% - National authorities: 25% - Regional cooperation: 5% - Red Crescent societies: 15% 28/11/2018
Indicative outputs from Dipecho1-5 Total benefi-ciaries Local rescue teams Risk/ evacuation maps Schools training Mitiga-tion projects Capacity Building Tajikistan 2,000,000 700 500 220 - REACT - NDRM strategy - HFA - Health strategy - Rescue team Kyrgyz-stan 750,000 265 290 100 80 - REACT /DRCU - HFA - Training center Uzbekistan 500,000 140 550 - HFA - Support to MOES/ MOE Turkmeni-stan 200,000 90 Kazasktan 20 - HFA 28/11/2018 3,650,000 1215 1020 1850 300
5. 6th Dipecho action plan 28/11/2018
Some key recommendations of the national meetings held in 2009 Better implication of local authorities in the operations implementation Better integration of Climate change in DRR Supporting DRR integration into the education system Improvement of the coordination mechanisms at all levels Mainstreaming DRR into classic development planning Better integration of cross-cutting (women, vulnerable population, environmental protection) Strengthening response capacities of local communities and authorities by better training and provision of appropiate equipments 28/11/2018
Some key recommendations of the evaluation To fund Dipecho 6 Improving the impact of training and the sustainability of community rescue teams with a better involvement of women Expanding DP/DRR awareness and training at schools Encouraging partners to submit joint proposals Promoting DP/DRR mainstreaming into other development operations 28/11/2018
The main focus of the 6th Dipecho Facilitation of coordination and reinforcement of national and regional platforms Advocacy of Public-Private partnership Cross-cutting issues: involvement of vulnerable groups in particular women and environmental protection Integration of climate change adaptation into DRR operations Mainstreaming DRR in development actions 28/11/2018
Indicative foreseen schedule End December: Adoption of the decision Early January: Launching of the call for expressions of interest Mid February: Deadline for submitting single forms 1st April: Starting date of the implementation period 30 September 2010: End of the implementation period 28/11/2018
Focus points for Dipecho 6 operations Sustainability and clear exit strategy for the operations (including handing-over) Capacity building, advocacy and coordination mechanisms at all levels DRR mainstreaming and climate change integration Multi-countries operations or joint proposal for partners intervening in the same district. Better involvement of women Better capitalisation of know-how and good practices 1 grant agreement per partner 28/11/2018
6. Conclusion 28/11/2018
Conclusion DRR is a key component of climate change adaptation and powerful way to reduce the relief needs DRR is a major concern for the EC and several financial instruments are available in this field Dipecho approach is very relevant but mainly limited to promotion, pilot operations and capacity building Need to hand-over Dipecho achievements to local and national authorities and to development operations Need to better capitalise the know-how developed and the good practises through exchange of information, networking 28/11/2018
7. Some useful internet links The strategy of the EC on DRR: Stability instrument of the European Commission: DCI (Development cooperation instrument) European civil protection Dipecho (Disaster preparedness programme of Echo) (evaluation reports on Dipecho programmes) 28/11/2018
Thank you 28/11/2018