4C Unit Organizational Chart 4C Unit Name: Cooperativa dos Produtores de Café de Piracicaba 4C Unit Registry Number: 10000-45-1 Name of Managing Entity: Date of elaboration of document: Managing Entity: Cooperativa dos Produtores de Café de Piracicaba Warehouse Café do Interior (Storage) Jacu Transporters Ltd. (Transport) Tupi Warehouse (Storage) Producers Group 1 (54 producers) Producers Group 2 (24 producers) Producers Group 3 (80 producers) Verification Regulations – Chapter 6.2: „ The BPM is supported by an organizational chart which illustrates the different functions along the 4C Supply Chain of 4C units and reflects the coffee flow within the unit. The 4C Unit´s Managing Entity must make sure that the required organizational chart covers the entire 4C unit. NOT just the Managing Entity.”