Come on, 6’s!! How did it feel to play this game? Did any player’s behavior change as the game continued? Did every player behave the same way? Why factors do you think caused the differences in the way the players responded throughout the game?
Top 10 List- Senior Stress In groups of 5-6 discuss your stressors and create a Senior top 10 list.
What Is Stress?
Stressors : events & situations to which you must react Primary appraisals Irrelevant Eustress- positive Challenge Arousal, focus Distress Overtaxes your emotional and psychological resources Threat Stress, distraction
Susceptibility to Stress (SUS) Take SUS Add all items and subtract 21 Scores over 32 indicate susceptibility 52-77 = serious, 77 and higher = extreme Related Factors Lifestyle Health Behaviors Resources For Coping
General Adaptation Syndrome (Selye) Fight or Flight: May occur many times a day Body’s reaction to long term stress & is marked by the actual breakdown of internal organs & the weakening of the immune system. Body uses up vital stores of energy: glucose, minerals, hormones, may interfere with bodily process. Psychophysiological symptoms could appear. Psychophysiological symptoms generally don’t occur
Type A Personality Combat Ready, intense, hard-driving.” 3 times more likely to have heart attacks 5 times more likely to develop premature heart disease Increased BP High protein levels which can lead to heart damage. More likely to continually show/suppress anger/hostility Medical & behavioral treatments would be beneficial Besides personality factors, various social factors can increase/decrease stress and affect one’s health.