Kick-Off to High School Scheduling Class of 2020
SCHEDULING TimeLINE Monday, January 25, 2016 Presentations at the high school to all 8th grade students during the school day Parent/Student Scheduling Night at the High School--7:00 p.m. in the auditorium Early College Meeting will Begin at 6:00 p.m. in the auditorium Representatives from all CGHS Departments will be available to Answer Questions after the General meetings
TIMELINE Thursday and Friday, January 28th and 29th Middle School Counselors will be meeting with their 8th grade students to discuss the scheduling Process Friday, February 5th—All Pink Scheduling forms are due to your middle school counselor Friday, February 19th—All High school counselors will spend the day at MS North and meet with their incoming 9th graders Monday, February 22nd—All High School Counselors will Spend the Day at MS Central and Meet with their incoming 9th graders May 1, 2016—Last day for any course request changes
High School Counselors Mrs. Pam Price—A-Be Mrs. Meaghan Krukemeier—Bh-F Mrs. Stephanie Paul—G-L Mrs. Connie Poston—M-R Mrs. Lindsay Miller—S-z Mrs. Angela Chaplin—Early College
RESOURCES The CGHS Academic Guide is available on the High School website under the Guidance Tab. Applications for Electives that Require Applications (Media Arts and Leadership) are also on the high school website under the Guidance Tab.