Fossil Fuels
Fossil + Fuel = Fossil Fuel
What is a Fossil?
A fossil is any remains or impression of an animal that existed thousands of years ago (ex. Skeleton or footprint).
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a person who studies fossils and bones for a living. Pa – le – on – tol – o - gist Paleontologist: a person who studies fossils and bones for a living.
What is a fuel?
A fuel is something that is burnt to give off: heat/energy/light. What is the fuel in the picture below?
Common fuels include: wood, trees, oil, and gas.
How do these things make Fossil + Fuel = Fossil Fuel How do these things make a fossil fuel? Fossil Fuel?
When an animal dies... … it becomes a fossil
Fuels are dug out of the ground and so are called FOSSIL FUELS. Over thousands of years, the remains decay and turn to gas, oil, and coal Fuels are dug out of the ground and so are called FOSSIL FUELS.
COAL is made from the remains of plants which died thousands of years ago Tress Live Trees Die Trees Decay Fuel is Made
Oil and Gas are made from the decayed remains of sea creatures which died.
Let’s recap what we learnt today. See if you can answer the following questions.
1. What is a fossil? 2. What are some types of fossils?
3. What is a Paleontologist? 4. True or False: What goes into your car at the gas station is not a type of fuel.
5. What is a fuel? 6. What are some types of fuels?
See your teacher to find out how you can make a fossil of your own.