Summary of issues and results from GSC-11 User Workshop SOURCE: User Workshop Secretary TITLE: Summary of issues and conclusions from GSC-11 User Workshop AGENDA ITEM: 6 [GSC11_Closing_10] CONTACT: GSC11_Closing(10) Summary of issues and results from GSC-11 User Workshop Chair: Dan Bart (TIA) Vice Chair: Jørgen Friis (ETSI) Secretary: John Derr GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
User Workshop Major Topics Summary of Issues and Conclusions from GSC-10 User Workshop Work of GSC-11 User Working Group Government Discussions on Regulatory Cooperation and Standards (NIST) ANSI Focus on Consumer Interests Panel on Accessibility JTC1, TIA, ATIS, ACIF/CTN, U.S. Access Board Cybersecurity Emergency Communications for Persons with Disabilities Gallaudet University State of Science Conference ANSI HSSP Emergency Communications Individuals/Organizations Preparedness for Emergencies Impact of new Technologies on Users (Microsoft) ACIF TCN Presentation on Consumer Research (VoIP) GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications US Government Focus on Regulatory Cooperation and Standards; Consideration of User/Consumer Needs Discussion topic: Presentation (National Institute of Standards and Technology; NIST) on regulatory cooperation and standards–(userworkshop_09) Significant Points: U.S.-EU ICT Standards dialogue first launched in 2004 and reinvigorated in 2005 as part of U.S.-EU innovation initiative One current focus is e-accessibility One goal of e-accessibility dialogue is to avoid creating technical specifications and regulations that may stifle accessibility innovation and technology issues to detriment of both suppliers and end-users U.S. Access Board plans to update Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Standards (Section 508) and Telecom Act Accessibility Guidelines (Section 255) Last updates were made 5 years (Section 508) and 8 years (Section 255) ago GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications ANSI Focus on Consumer Interests Discussion topic: Presentation (American National Standards Institute; ANSI) on Consumer Interests–(userworkshop_02) Significant points: ANSI supporting consumers and other users of standards through ANSI Consumer Interest Forum (CIF). Focus of CIF includes, Outreach and networking Facilitating enhanced consumer interest and participation in standards activities Representing U.S. on Committee on Consumer Policy of ISO (COPOLCO) U.S. Standards Strategy (USSS) approved December 2005 Improves responsiveness of standards system to views and needs of consumers Industry should use consumer research as basis for standards initiative and decision GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Accessibility Panel Discussion topics: Presentation (JTC1) Special Working Group on Accessibility–(userworkshop_18) Presentation (TIA) Status Report on Digital Cordless Telephones (userworkshop_12) Presentation (ATIS) Meeting the User’s Requirement (userworkshop_03) Presentation (ACIF/CTN) A User’s Perspective (userworkshop_05) Presentation (Access Board) Advisory Committee on Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Standards (userworkshop_13) Significant points: JTC1 to create/optimize structure to more effectively address accessibility issues JTC 1 Special WG on Accessibility formed October 2004, see Next meeting 18-22 September 2006 in Brussels, host CEN/USSS Australian model for accessibility, “nothing (decided) about us without us” ACIF/CTN—much to be done to expand level of consultation with consumers in standards-setting forums ACIF/CTN—mutually beneficial outcomes can be achieved by continuing to work collaboratively with industry ACIF/CTN—consumers need more centralized features so they can find the equipment they need; in global market, international cooperation makes sense Q&A Session—those with disabilities should be the ones to education others on disability issues GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Other Workshop Presentation Topics Information topics: Cybersecurity –(userworkshop_15, userworkshop_04, 04a1, 04a2) Emergency Communications for Persons with Disabilities “Accessible Emergency Notification and Communication: Gallaudet State of Science Conference” ANSI Homeland Security Standards Panel (HSSP) Activities: Emergency Communications and Citizen Preparedness and Impact of New Technologies on Users (Microsoft)--(userworkshop_07) Privacy and identity theft issues Microsoft’s new “Infocard” technology ACIF CTN Presentation on “Consumer Research – Expectations and Experiences with VoIP”—(userworkshop_17 and _16) VoIP services need to be more user friendly and accessible 7 recommendations made in report GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
Conclusions from Workshop Regulatory collaboration; U.S.-EC dialogue on ICT noted some concerns on rate of progression in EU related to accessibility Dialogue also noted recognition that different approaches need to be taken into account Continued regulatory cooperation is important and continuing to learn from each other PSOs need to be more proactive in increasing involvement of users in the standards-developing process Improving 2-way education (users, PSOs) is of critical importance education with PSO “process” also helps with success improving and maintaining dialogue between users and PSOs be proactive, do not wait until an issue arises before action is taken Limited financial resources of users is a problem and impacts participation of users around the world Encourage governments to incorporate user concerns within their programs GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
Conclusions from Workshop, continued May have to accommodate users to facilitate participation Recognition that good communications is essential Importance of equipment design using principles of universal design with ongoing incorporation of usability aspects Continue improvements of usability of the internet for people with disabilities importance of managing cybersecurity at home and at work, including protection of children online (ACIF/TCN)--Improving useability with VoIP services recognizing different broadband standards exist in different regions Assist PSOs to encourage development of more user friendly and cost effective products GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
Conclusions from Workshop, continued (ACIF/TCN)—Consumers need more centralized features so they can find the equipment they need; in global market, international cooperation makes sense X those with disabilities should be the ones to educate others on accessibility issues It is recognized that communication at large is an essential service for disabled people to participate fully in society as well as performing everyday tasks User Workshop was a good use of participant’s time: focus on user needs/issues, not just standardization programs as do other GSC sessions – encouraged this model for future meetings. GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications
GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Thank you Dan Bart (TIA), +1 703 907 7703 Jørgen Friis (ETSI), +33 4 92 94 42 11 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications