Physics A First Course Electricity and Magnetism Chapter 16
Electricity and Magnetism Magnetism 16.1 Properties of Magnets 16.2 The Source of Magnetism 16.3 Earth's Magnetic Field
16A Investigation: Magnetism Key Questions: What are the effects of magnetism? What kinds of materials are affected by magnetic force? *Students read text section 16.1 AFTER Investigation 16A
16A Investigation Topics Measure magnetic force. Use a compass to detect magnetic force. Test magnetic properties of various materials.
Chapter 16.1 Objectives and Vocabulary Recognize that magnetic poles always exits in pairs. Decide whether two magnetic poles will attract or repel. Describe the magnetic field and forces around a permanent magnet. magnetic permanent magnet magnetic poles magnetic field magnetic field line
Chapter 16.2 Objectives and Vocabulary electromagnet right-hand rule diamagnetic paramagnetic ferromagnetic magnetic domain soft magnet hard magnet Learn how to build a simple electromagnet and change its strength. Use the right-hand rule to locate an electromagnet's poles. Explain the source of magnetism in materials.
Right-Hand Rule If the fingers of your RIGHT hand curl in the direction of the current, your thumb points toward the north pole.
Where is the north and south pole?
16B Investigation: Electromagnets Key Question: Can magnetic force be created? *Students read text section 16.3 AFTER Investigation 16B
16B Investigation Topics Make an electromagnet. Use a compass to detect magnetic force. Build a circuit to control and electromagnet. Measure current used by an electromagnet. Test different arrangements of an electromagnet.
Chapter 16.3 Objectives and Vocabulary Explain how a compass responds to a magnetic field. Describe the cause of Earth's magnetism. Recognize the difference between Earth's magnetic and geographic poles. Explain how a compass is used to indicate direction. compass magnetic declination gauss