An Approach for Addressing These Challenges
Data sharing across organizations – an approach Identify shared data needs across multiple programs Determine key synergies to reduce redundancies and specific opportunities which could address these needs Prioritize value of opportunities to select best alternative Identify a streamlined process to meet the needs of the best alternative Support the new process with enhanced technology solutions
1. Identify shared data needs across programs MAC Documentation Direct Service Reimbursement Documentation Special Education Documentation State/Federal Reporting Data Uses Activities performed DS or MAC Participation Student Information Special Ed. Status Financial Data Common Data Requirements Medicaid Eligibility Staff Credentials Service Documentation. Transportation Data State Medicaid System (s) State Medicaid System (s) Administrative Management Systems Financial System State Medicaid System (s) Data Sources Student Information System Special Ed. Solution or Documentation State Education System (s) State Education System (s) State Education System (s)
1. Identify shared needs across programs Definite data requirement Possible data requirement
2. Determine key areas of synergy Program synergies: The majority of FFS claim data requirements are also collected as part of the special education process The majority of MAC data requirements are collected for FFS claim preparation, but through a different process Program data also meets a number of state reporting needs Potential opportunities: Link Medicaid and Special Education program data requirements May include MAC, or FFS only Link Medicaid and Special Education data requirements with State Reporting Definite data requirement Possible data requirement
3. Prioritize value of opportunities Under this set of criteria a Special Education-Direct Service solution would best meet state needs Identify key criteria Assign appropriate weights to criteria Rank projects across these criteria on a numerical scale Calculate weighted totals
4. Identify streamlined process for data collection 5 4. Identify streamlined process for data collection 5. Develop technology solution to align with process Map existing “as is” process for all programs identified for consolidation Analyze areas of overlap and determine how data needs may be aligned with already existing processes Determine “to be” process to encompass all necessary steps, data and program requirements Identify where technology should be incorporated to align with the “to be” process to enable data collection, management and analysis capabilities