PBC Importance for nesting One of highest in the state for diso Many disos attributed to skyglow Graph of Probable Cause of Diso Awareness campaign-even if you dont live on the coast-you can make a difference Production and Distribution of education materials: Bus Wrap, Totes, Tattoos, Signs, Brochures, Decals, brochures, web banners, beach access signs Problems: Printing error-white tattoo/positive outcome-Printer donated extra tattoos-twice as many to distribute/Communication with Palm Tran-unsure of what buses they were on and didnt provide start date. Target Audience: Palm Beach County Residents, Coastal Hotels and Resorts, Residents, Local Municipal Governments, Nature Centers, Libraries, Schools, Environmental Education Events, Sea Turtle Monitoring Programs, Presentations # distributed? Future Projects- Encourage local municipalities to adopt Dark Sky Ordinance Dark Sky Festival Educate big box stores and local lighting stores
PBC -~26% of FL nesting (19,500) 30% of leatherback (500) 25% of green (3,700) 21% of loggerhead (15,300) Central and SE Florida- 90% of sea turtle nesting in the US Loggerhead Leatherback
Status: Threatened Nesting Season: April – September ~15,300 loggerhead nests (2011) Status: Endangered Nesting Season: May – October ~3,700 green nests (2011)
Status: Endangered Nesting Season: February – July Most wide ranging migratory path ~500 leatherback nests (2011) Status: Endangered Nesting Season: Rare in FL Nest primarily in Caribbean; a few in PBC Commonly found on PBC reefs
1.3 Million people (1 hatchling/person/year) Transient coastal population Tourism critical component of economy Constantly educating people Repeat Message
Welcome to our world
62% No Specific Lights
Looking West from Blue Heron Bridge in Riviera Beach, Florida Sea Turtle Lighting Ordinance controls lighting 600 feet west of the mean high water line but development extends miles inland Need to educate inland residents Advocate for darker skies Palm Beach (Southeast) WPB (South) Port West
Credit: Stellarium At Many Locations, The Stars Don't Come Out Any More
Of all the pollution we face, light pollution is perhaps the most easily remedied. Simple changes in lighting design and installation yield immediate changes in the amount of light spilled into the atmosphere and, often, immediate energy savings. - National Geographic article Our Vanishing Night by Verlyn Klinkenborg
It is estimated that only around 10 percent of the population of the United States is able to see the night sky in its natural, unpolluted state. – National Park Service
Join with astronomy and bird conservation communities Educate about loss of night sky Point out wildlife and human impacts Economics Green initiatives Provide alternatives Regulate
Credit: / Misdirected lights illuminate the night sky Properly directed lights only illuminate the desired areas
Moving billboard 15 buses a minimum of 4 weeks Routes along the coast and inland $1,950
2x2 one color temporary tattoos
18 x 24 Laminated Aluminum Signs
50 Beach Access Signs $2,650 24,000 Tattoos $2,520 2,000 Stickers $2,040 1,000 Totes $2, Bus Wraps Moving billboard $1,950 27,000+ msgs $11,000 Trying to reach 1.3 M people
27,000 Promotional items 50 Beach Access signs 15 Bus Wraps Project Total: $11,410
Brochures Distributed: 19,500 Post Cards Sent to Coastal Properties Annually: 750
Other formats: Web Flickr YouTube Radio shows Newspaper articles TV news TV PSA ads Repeat Message
Next: Expand the campaign; broader audience; grow advocates Astronomy and Birding Community Dark Sky Festival The City Dark Movie Screening (Feb 22, Eckerd College) Exhibits- Lighting Design Firms, Env Groups, International Dark Sky Association, Panel Discussion, Star Party Dark Sky land development ordinances (unincorp PBC, Boca Raton)
Turn off lights for 1 hour at 8:30pm. Check out those stars! Spread the word in your community.
Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resources Management
Credit: StellariumStellarium Credit: StellariumStellarium Extra Pics