The Age of Exploration Sailing the seven seas.


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Presentation transcript:

The Age of Exploration Sailing the seven seas

Twenty Questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

1. What explorer was the first to sail westward across the Atlantic and claim territory for a European nation? Christopher Columbus – sailed for Spain. (1 pt.)

2. What document divided the world between Spain and Portugal 2. What document divided the world between Spain and Portugal? Who approved this document and why? The Treaty of Tordesillas was approved by the Pope to prevent a war between two Catholic powers. (2pts)

3. Who was the first European explorer to sail to India? Vasco da Gama (2 pt.)

4. What was the major significance and impact of Magellan’s voyage? Magellan (/ his crew) circumnavigated the globe proving through experimentation that the world was round. (3 pts.) Kept a journal of new discoveries and mapped out circumnavigation route for future use

5. What set of Islands was the source or center of the spice trade in Asia? The Molucca Islands (3 pts.)

6. What was the grand island capital of the Aztec Empire? Tenochtitlan (2 pts)

7. ________ conquered the Aztecs while _________ conquered the Incas. Cortes and Pizarro (2 pt.)

8. What were two long term effects of the Age of Exploration? The development of new economic systems (capitalism and mercantilism), the Columbian Exchange, the development of the triangle trade (slave trade), the development of permanent European colonies in the Americas. (2pt)

9. These individuals create maps. Cartographers (1 pts).

10. What two individuals inspired the Age of Exploration? Prince Henry and Marco Polo ( 2 pts.)

11. Which is the best description of the settlement of Quebec in New France?   A.) It was surrounded by large plantations that grew maize, tobacco, and cotton. B). Quebec grew to be the largest and most populous city in North America. C). It was the only settlement in North America where Protestants could live. D). Quebec was small and grew slowly but profited from fur trapping and trading. D ( 1 pt.)

12. How did Great Britain come to dominate the North American continent?   a. Great Britain was victorious in the French and Indian War. ( 2pts.)

13. What European company challenged the Portuguese dominance of trade with Asia? The Dutch East India Company (3 pt)

14. Where were the Aztec and Mayan empires located 14. Where were the Aztec and Mayan empires located? Where was the Incan Empires located? Aztecs Central America, Incas modern Peru, Ecuador and chile (2pts.)

15. What is mercantilism and why was it used? The system of trade between the colonies and the mother countries. Colonies had to buy manufactured goods from the mother countries and colonies sent raw materials back to Europe. This ensured that the mother countries did not import more than they exported – lots of $ (3 pts.)

16. What were encomiendas? Large Spanish controlled areas that allowed the Spanish to demand labor or tribute ($ or goods) from the natives living in that area. (2 pts.)

17. What was the Columbian Exchange? The exchange of goods, ideas and animals between the old world and the new world (1pts)

18. What was a person of mixed European and Native American heritage known as in Spanish America? A Mestizo (3pts.)

19. Which of these individuals did not try to find a northwest passage through Canada to Asia? A). Jacques Cartier B). Henry Hudson C). Francisco Pizarro C ( 1pts.)

20. What was the title of the Spanish deputy or representative who governed the colonies of Spain for the King and Queen? A Viceroy ( 3pts.)