Applicants Student id begin 55 or 56 Student id begin 55 must send gs2s form to Graduate School Funding budget under categories: - Master Or Ph.D. - Thesis proposal approval - Research proposal category
Criteria proposalProposal approval, grant does not exceed(Bath) None, grant does not exceed(Bath) Ph.D. degree Science and Technology100,00050,000 Social Sciences56,00028,000 Master degree Science and Technology30,00015,000 Social Sciences12,0006,000
Important Date 2 Dec – 15 Jan. 2014Application (E-system) 2 Dec – 30 Jan Proposal submission to faculty 10 Feb. 2014Faculty approval 28 Feb. 2014GS. considered/approval 10 Mar. 2014Announcement of grant allocation Mar. 2014Downloading Receipt Form 24 Mar. 2014Final document sent to GS Mar. 2014Agreement Signed
URL of the application and consideration process. Student apply online Add Information to Proposal Form and send to faculty Faculty receive proposal form and send to GS. GS. approval Students must enroll in the e-system by January 15, Students submit a research proposal to the faculty on January 30, The faculty send information to the GS. Within February 10, 2014.
Process after student applied to e-system download the Research Proposal Submitted for Thesis Financial Support Form complete and have the form signed by the major thesis advisor submitting it to their facultyThe faculty submit to GSGS. consider allocation and approval
Process after the scholarship has been allocated Download Proof of Receipt FormComplete the Receipt FormSubmitting it to their facultyThe faculty submit to GS.GS. transfer money to the faculty