I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination. Jimmy Dean
Thesis This quote is directed to anyone who is or who has recently gone through a tough experience that was out of their control as it inspires them to be more confident in themselves to overcome tough times.
Anology This quote is analogy for two different reasons: The wind is all the challenges that life brings. No one has control over it and people are forced to deal with it. The sails are a person’s attitude and outlook on a situation. After knowing this we realize that this quote is actually saying that you cannot control the tough times in your life but what you can control is how you react to them.
Logos This quote is logical because it is a fact that no one can control the wind and that when it gets windy the only thing someone can do in a sailboat is to adjust the sails to help steer and reach their destination.
Pathos This quote makes anyone who is going through a hard time feel inspired and encouraged to change the way they are dealing with it so that they can become a better person instead of being weighed down by it.
Ethos Newman Darby, the inventor of windsurfing, once said that you cannot change the wind but you can learn how to use it to your advantage.
Jimmy Dean