Normal West High School Home of the Wildcats! Need something to do……..get out your phone and follow us on Twitter at Nwestcounselors
Normal West Counselors Brooke Bollmann. A-C Marty Tarmann Normal West Counselors Brooke Bollmann A-C Marty Tarmann D-H Corey Ostling I-Mh Debbie Sondgeroth Mi-Se Carrie Hoffman Sf-Z
Graduation Requirements English 4.0 credits Math 3.0 credits -Algebra 1 Science 2.0 credits Social Science 2.0 credits -US History/Constitution Test/Civics Health/PE 3.5 credits Consumer Ed .5 credits Electives 9.0 credits 24 Total Credits
May request within first 6 weeks of semester Level Changes May request within first 6 weeks of semester When moving down a level, must show interventions have been utilized. Students must fill out form that is provided in counseling office. Courses with different levels: English Biology Math
Counselors will be calling you down at alternative times Choosing Classes January 12th and 13th: Meet with freshmen from RWS classes January 17th and 18th: Meet with Sophomores from US History Classes January 19th and 20th: Meet with Juniors from English 3 and AP English If you DON’T have: RWS US History English 3 AP Language Counselors will be calling you down at alternative times
Course to Career Guide Normal West-School Counselors-2017-2018 Course Selection Or
How to access Career Cruising and Course Planner Step 1. Go to the Career Cruising website at Step 2. Login by entering your Username and Password. USERNAME: U5 – Your SIS # (9 numbers) Ex: U5-123456789 PASSWORD : Birthday using MMDDYY Ex: Birthday of September 10, 2001 would be 091001
Choosing Courses in Career Cruising Choose My Courses
Choosing Courses in Career Cruising You WILL: Work with highlighted year ONLY Select Sem 1 and Sem 2 choices You will select 7 choices for each semester You will NOT: Work with past years Select a Lunch Select a Homeroom
Choosing Courses in Career Cruising Click on an option and it will show: Course Description Prerequisites Future course options Options
Choosing courses in Career Cruising Choose Option and Add Course If there is a matching Sem 2 course it will automatically Add Course
Choosing Courses in Career Cruising An Alert will appear if your choice has an issue Hover over Alert for information Options: Delete or Change Course Click on course and info below will appear Talk to Counselor before submitting Alerts
Typical Junior/Senior Schedule (must have at least 11 credits) Core Courses BACC ICE Work Program English Math PE Science Elective ICE Work course Social Studies BACC course Work Elective or SH
Core Courses Not sure what to take for English, Math, Science and Social Studies? -Use the Course to Career Guide to help you and be sure to note the prerequisites for the courses Still not sure? -Use your Teachers as a Resource
AP – Advanced Placement College Classes taught by AP certified West teachers. Weighted Grades Demanding course work predetermined by College Board. Testing in May to possibly earn college credit depending on score.
Course Selection Changes Change a Course Choice -A form will be required with parent signature to make a course change March 24, 2017 -Last day to make a change in a student’s course selection.