Bronwyn Desjardins ~Grayston Preparatory~
What is a Podcast? What is RSS? Tech Terms to Know
Fusion of two words about 5 years ago: iPod + broadcast Also in video now as Vodcast. Downloadable audio file for computer or portable audio device (iPod or MP3 player) – doesnt have to be downloaded. Has subscribers – receive automatic audio feed updates Perfect for Instant Information World Anytime Anywhere and most are free
RSS = Really Simple Syndication It turns an audio recording into a podcast Saved in.xml format Provides: creator; show title; content description; link to audio file. It is created by using.xml coding or a program that creates the feed automatically. NB: Audio file has to be stored on a server first.
Blog: web log – chronological publication Exit: music or sounds to end show Host Site: server that stores podcast and RSS feed Intro: music or sounds that lead into the podcast MP3: audio file in compressed digital format Podcatcher: program used to subscribe to and download podcasts e.g. iTunes
have a clear understanding of what podcasting is. be able to oversee student podcasting projects. have the knowledge and understanding to implement podcasting in their classroom.
Better understanding of curriculum content Develops language skills Develops critical thinking skills Opportunity to share knowledge and opinions with a greater audience
Computer with Internet connection Microphone and webcam iPod touch can record video
Audio podcasts: GarageBand (Mac only) Audacity (fee – can be used on Mac OS or Windows) Podomatic - record onlinehttp:// Video (Vodcasts) iMovie (Mac only) MovieMaker (Windows only) YouTube
Know what you want for the end product Focus on content Treat it like an essay: introduction; body and conclusion Time constraint – get unnecessary content as they will ramble Technical aspects (sound, lighting, etc.) – focus on one or two aspects Show examples and critique them
1. Plan 2. Storyboard (important for Vodcasts). There are samples online. 3. Write script 4. Peer response to script 5. Revise/ rewrite 6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 as needed
Rehearse before record Dont read lines – memorise line by line if necessary and pause recording between as it looks more professional Record in a quiet place Keep sound at the same level – keep mike at same distance, practice speaking at same level. Audio adjustments can be time consuming. Have good lighting (video)
School news Curricular reports: foreign languages; book reviews; history projects; biology reports etc. Topics of interest: practise creative writing and speaking Communication tool: school announcements; student or parent announcements
Podomatic* YouTube* School web site Your own web site: more control Wiki* Blog* NB: iTunes does not host podcasts – you have to link it to the store *Free
Would this enhance your curriculum? Hardware assessment: camera; computer; cables etc. Software assessment: try using itself first – have basic understanding of it; make sure necessary programs are installed Create the rubric Find examples Present the project to the students
Nicknames – make up on-air names Dont give out private information – school name/ address etc. Check privacy restrictions with school
Tech Chicks *Kidcast Teach With Video *Step by step 45 minute lessons on how to podcast
What is it and how to use it Introduction to Audacity Interface
Free audio editing software Record multiple tracks in a single audio file – up to 16 and more Can import file types as tracks MP3, wav. etc. Cross platform – can work on any OS (Windows, Linux, Mac)
Four separate tool bars Control toolbar (like a CD player) Meter toolbars (input/ output) - red = too loud Mixer toolbar (output – speaker icon/ input – mike icon) – can adjust input level Edit toolbar – cut, copy, paste, trim and add silence. Zoom in or out of tracks to get a closer look.
Each track has its own display area Any track will appear with its own control panel It appears in wav form – mute will mute sounds and other volume controls (Gain) adjust volume of each track. Solo – will isolate a track. Close button, track name, and track menu down arrow with varied menus – you can name a track. Get to know the basic tools first.
See Audacity notes Podsafe audio: Visit Dropbox folder for software download, copy of Audacity notes, and Podcasting ideas Visit Diigo Podcasting Made Easy group for links mentioned in this workshop – create an account Upload file – copy this URL link to iTunes to create RSS feed in iTunes store (more difficult) Or upload file as audio file in a website or wiki In wiki embed as widget RSS feed (easy)