MySchoolBucks Technology Fee
Type into your browser. If you already have an account for lunch payments, enter your login information at the right of the screen under Login to your account. If you do not already have an account, click on SIGN UP TODAY in the green box.
To create an account: Type in the requested information. All fields are required. Note that there is a drop down box for security questions where you can choose which question you want to answer. Note the checkbox to receive additional information from MSB. Review the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy links and then click on CREATE ACCOUNT
Now you have an account, you need to add your student(s). Select Hatboro-Horsham Senior High School. Enter your student’s first name and then last name in the boxes indicated. Next, either enter your student’s birthday OR student number. Click on FIND STUDENT, then click on ADD STUDENT on the next screen.
This screen shows you have successfully added your student This screen shows you have successfully added your student. Click on ADD ANOTHER STUDENT if you have more than one child at the High School, or click on FINISH. You will receive two emails - one requesting you to validate your email address and another one confirming you added a student.
This is the Hatboro-Horsham Home Page. The TECHNOLOGY FEES icon has not been activated yet. When it is, you will be directed to a products page where you will add your student(s) to the cart and then check out choosing your method of payment.
Acceptable forms of payment: Credit Card eCheck Not acceptable: Cash
Click in the Student box and select your student. Next click in the Options box and select Tech Fee. Read each agreement and then click on the check box affirming you understand the terms. By clicking yes, you have provided your signature. No hardcopies need to be given to the school. Note that if you don’t approve of any one of the agreements, you will not be permitted to take a laptop home. Click on Add To Basket Repeat if you have more than one student. Note that all students in the same household must be paid at the same time to apply the multi-student discount.
There is no charge to pay by e-check. Confirm the information in your cart. Note that a discount will automatically be applied to each additional student. When you are ready to place the order, click on e-check or credit card and enter the appropriate information. Your payment information will be saved for the next time you make a purchase through MySchoolBucks There is no charge to pay by e-check. There is a $2.50 processing fee for credit cards. Click on Place Order when you have completed the payment information. If selecting e-check, you will need the following information:
You are now responsible for a laptop for the duration of the school year. A backpack can be purchased at an additional cost. If the laptop is lost or stolen, a $250 deductible is required. Laptops will be returned at the end of each school year and re-issued in August. The Technology Fee is an annual fee and will be required before the laptop is re-issued.
For more information regarding your account, click on Help at the top of the screen.