Croydon Safeguarding Adults Board Safeguarding Adult Review Framework
What is a SAR ? The purpose of a Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR) is neither to investigate nor to apportion blame. It is only relevant when professionals can learn lessons and adjust practice in the light of lessons learnt. It therefore requires outcomes that: Establish what lessons are to be learned from a particular case in which professionals and organisations work together to safeguard and promote the welfare of adults at risk. Identify clearly what those lessons are both within and between agencies and how and within what timescale those lessons will be acted upon. Identify what is expected to change as a result, to improve practice. Improve intra agency and inter agency working to better safeguard adults at risk. Review the effectiveness of procedures (Both multi-agency and those of individual organisations).
The Purpose of a Safeguarding Adults Board The Purpose of a Safeguarding Adults Board The overarching purpose of a SAB is to: · Assure itself that local safeguarding arrangements are in place as defined by the Care Act. · Prevent abuse and neglect where possible. · Provide a timely and proportionate responses when abuse or neglect has occurred. The SAB must take the lead for adult safeguarding across its locality and oversee and co-ordinate the effectiveness of the safeguarding work of its member and partner agencies. It must also concern itself with a range of matters which can contribute to the prevention of abuse and neglect such as the:
· Safety of patients in local health services · Quality of local care and support services · Effectiveness of prisons in safeguarding offenders Core duties: - SABs have three core duties. They must: · Develop and publish an Annual Strategic Plan setting out how they will meet their strategic objectives and how their member and partner agencies will contribute. · Publish an annual report detailing how effective their work has been. · Arrange Safeguarding Adult Reviews for any cases which meet the criteria for such enquiries.
SAR Committee Purpose of the Safeguarding Adult Review Committee (SARC) The purpose of the SARC is to provide a forum to review requests for consideration for a SAR that may meet the threshold for a Safeguarding Adults Review. The committee will consider cases of adults who have died unexpectedly, suffered significant harm and for whom this has led to serious consequences, as set out below. The committee will make decisions about which requests should be recommended to go forward, as a formal Safeguarding Adult Review or other mode of review.
SAR Framework Governance Statutory duties Based on Camden Framework Clear guidance on what to do and when Cases being tested – Refer Follow up action plans National context
Any questions
Further information For any further information please contact :- Rachel Blaney ( Lead nurse for Safeguarding Croydon CCG ) Or Lorraine Burton Safeguarding Board Manager – The Croydon SAB website;