Dual Enrollment Faculty Meeting Fall 2018 In-Service NOTE: To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image.
Did you know? Fun Facts About Dual Enrollment 1.4 million high school students took over 2 million college courses from postsecondary institutions nationwide 2544 Roanoke Valley students took dual enrollment classes last year 58 '18 high school grads were program placed through HB1184, earned 2,663 credits (avg 30/student) 118 dual enrollment instructors 299 VWCC '18 grads took dual enrollment while in HS AP Info – 15%=5; 21% = 4; 26% = 3 (62%) – what about the other 1/3? Did you know? Fun Facts About Dual Enrollment General discussion about DE AP Info – 15%=5; 21% = 4; 26% = 3 – what about the other 1/3? Kathy Beard
College Update Elizabeth Wilmer
College Update Introductions Construction…mud is good! Lots going on… Academies Pre-Health Engineering Mechatronics Science Claude Moore Grant EMT CNA New Programs AS in Science: Agriculture (Fall 2019) AAS in Physical Therapy Assistant (Fall 2021) Revised/Growing Programs Transfer Programs continue to be revised to meet the needs of our university partners Culinary (Now!) AAS in IST: Network and Securities Administration to add cybersecurity (Fall 2019) AAS in Communication Design to become Visual Design with a greater focus on web design (Fall 2019) Practical Nursing to become a 12 month intensive program (Fall 2019) Trades are growing…. Currently offer welding, HVAC, Commercial HVAC, Electrical Wiring, Maintenance Technology, Building Trades Technology, Automotive, and Horticulture. Considering adding Construction Management More online program opportunities coming….
Outside Influences on Dual Enrollment JLARC/VCCS/SACSCOC Elizabeth Wilmer
Outside Influences JLARC Report SCHEV Committee on Quality and Transferability VCCS Response/NACEP Quality Standards VCCS Uniform Tuition Rate SACSCOC Dual Enrollment Policy: Mixed Classes
HB1 Guidance Email Concerns Elizabeth Wilmer
HB1 Guidance HB1 restricts the release of certain student directory information without student consent. Colleges should not release the following student record information under the directory information exception: Email address (all types, including the VCCS student email) Physical address (all types) Phone number (all types) If students want this information released to a 3rd party, they will have to consent in writing. This consent should be documented/retained in the student record. This is the same process you use now for release of non-directory information. This will add the three items above to the list of information that requires consent for release. If your college has a public directory of students that includes any of the items above, it should be eliminated or placed behind an authentication wall (i.e. staff log-in, MyVCCS, etc.) If you send out ‘all student’ communications through your email system, ensure that all student emails are in the BCC line. No student emails should be shown to the recipients. When a student receives an email sent to the entire class sent by the instructor in Blackboard, they only see the course number and instructor’s name, no email addresses appear. This is still an acceptable way to email everyone in the class under this new law.
Plagiarism and Student conduct Policies Elizabeth Wilmer https://www.virginiawestern.edu/about/policies/I-21.php https://www.virginiawestern.edu/forms/docs/ReportofStudentMisconductForm.pdf
Focus Areas/ Program Pages/ Academic Pathways Elizabeth Wilmer https://www.virginiawestern.edu/index.php
Your Syllabus Kathy Beard
College name VWCC course title and number Semester/Year Instructor name, email, phone, high school Contact methods & response time Office hours – time to meet outside of instruction Attendance policy Grading policy Make-up / late work policy Penalties for academic misconduct violations Inclement weather VWCC student resource links - https://www.virginiawestern.edu/students/services.php
Student Services Resources Kathy Beard
Student Services Resources http://www.virginiawestern.edu/students/services.php Resources: Career Services Student ID Cards Student Activities Fitness Center
Student Services Student Services General: https://www.virginiawestern.edu/students/services.php Student Consumer Information: http://www.virginiawestern.edu/services/studentconsumerinfo.php Brown Library: http://www.virginiawestern.edu/library/index.php VWCC Withdrawal Policy: http://www.virginiawestern.edu/services/withdrawal.php VWCC Student Rights and Responsibilities: http://www.virginiawestern.edu/about/policies/docs/I-21.pdf VWCC Student Conduct Policy: https://www.virginiawestern.edu/about/policies/I-21.php VWCC Student Grievance Policy: https://www.virginiawestern.edu/about/policies/I-19.php Career Services: http://www.virginiawestern.edu/careercenter/index.php Office of Disability Services: http://www.virginiawestern.edu/disability/index.php Student ID Cards: http://www.virginiawestern.edu/studentlife/studentid.php Fitness Center: http://www.virginiawestern.edu/studentlife/recreation/fitnesscenter.php
Turning In Final assessments Copy of the exam Copy of the key for the exam If using a project – then the description and a copy of the grading rubric Exam should reflect our learning outcomes If using an approved (by VWCC) Industry Credentialing Exam – then a copy of the student’s results should be sent Use the Google Doc provided by the DE office to record results Turning In Final assessments Kathy Beard
Student Advising Kathy Beard
Student Advising Help students see the “bigger picture” Work in partnership with the high school guidance office, instructors and VWCC staff Use the on-line catalog to show students how the DE class fits into programs of study On-campus resources through the Enrollment Center http://catalog.virginiawestern.edu/
Elizabeth Wilmer https://www.virginiawestern.edu/transfer/index.php Transfer Guides Elizabeth Wilmer https://www.virginiawestern.edu/transfer/index.php
Student Course Evaluations Kathy Beard
Professional Development On-campus workshops and meetings Program, content and division as needed All DE instructors can attend any professional development offered on campus May earn recertification points for K-12 licensure Tutorials on may topics on-line “WHONUIT” learning modules through Blackboard/SIS Professional Development Kathy Beard
Faculty Survey
Faculty Survey
General Education Assessments and Competencies Rachelle Koudelik-Jones
General Education Assessments 84% 80% 72% 66%
General Education Competencies SCHEV policy change All Colleges/Universities must have at least 6 Gen Ed Competencies VCCS sets Gen Ed Competencies for us Written Communication Critical Thinking Quantitative Literacy Civic Engagement Scientific Literacy Professionalism
2018-19 Fall 2018: Evaluate artifacts submitted in Spring 2018 (Quantitative Reasoning and Critical Thinking) Define how we will assess Civic Engagement Spring 2019: We will be collecting artifacts for Written Communication Possibly collect artifacts for Civic Engagement Revise Written Communication rubrics Updated General Education Assessment information, including revised rubrics, will be posted on the Institutional Effectiveness “Assessment” website
Let’s have some fun-Virginia Western style…. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HSSSmsHGVI
Tour Library- Chris Services Remote Access Databases OER Scheduling a Visit Tutoring: Drop in Centers-Chris