Do you remember… Chinese Dynasties???
The Dynastic Cycle
What is the first Chinese Dynasty? Between what two dynasties does China face a period of disorder- with no government. (Medieval Europe?) Which dynasty is credited with inventing silk? Which dynasty is credited with expanding the Silk Road trade route? Which dynasty reinstates Confucianism as the official policy? A strict social structure is adopted under which dynasty? Which dynasty grabbed the mandate of heaven from the Yuan Mongols? Which dynasty was the first to claim the divine right of Mandate of Heaven? Which dynasty closed it’s doors to European influence? In which dynasty does the Ancient Chinese writing system develop? 11. Which dynasty is considered a Golden Age and creates the “Grand Canal?” 12. Which dynasty creates the civil service exam that models Confucian ideals?
TIE Breakers -In which dynasty is Legalism made the official philosophy? -Put in order the 8 dynasties you learn about this year
The Han Dynasty Had a Golden Age Collapsed in 280
Disorder for 400 years
Tang Dynasty Conquers Vietnam, Korea and Tibet Makes them tributary states – acknowledge Chinese rule and pay tribute
Tang Dynasty Land Reform Broke up large agricultural holdings More peasants to tax More government control over the wealthy
Tang Dynasty Built the Grand Canal Linked the Huang He and Yangzi Rivers
Song Dynasty Had a Golden Age New irrigation systems New trade routes created Print paper money
Chinese Society
Gentry Wealthy landowning class They had the money to pay for a tutor Want to pass the civil service exam
Peasants Majority of Chinese Could take the Civil Service Exam
Merchants Lowest social class Want sons to take the civil service test Make their money from the labor of others Want sons to take the civil service test They can afford tutors
Women Had dowry – payment to the groom or groom’s family Became part of their husbands family
Foot binding Very painful Was considered a form of beauty/nobility Peasants didn’t foot bind their daughters They needed their labor
Arts & Literature
Landscape Painting Capture the essence of nature
Architecture pagoda
Art porcelain
Literature poetry