Import of NH‐Idp3p‐, PTS‐1 (3HAD)‐ and PTS2 (3‐ketoacyl‐CoA thiolase)‐containing proteins in wild‐type, Δpex5 and Δpex7 cells. Import of NH‐Idp3p‐, PTS‐1 (3HAD)‐ and PTS2 (3‐ketoacyl‐CoA thiolase)‐containing proteins in wild‐type, Δpex5 and Δpex7 cells. Subcellular fractionations of wild‐type, Δpex5 and Δpex7 cells expressing NH‐Idp3p grown on oleate medium. The 30 000 g pellet fraction (P) represents the organellar fraction, whereas the supernatant (S) fraction represents the cytosolic fraction. (H) represents the homogenate before the high‐speed spin. Comparable volumes were layered in every lane. NH‐Idp3p and thiolase were detected by Western blot analysis. 3‐hydroxyacyl‐CoA dehydrogenase (3HAD) activity was measured as described in Materials and methods. Carlo W.T. van Roermund et al. EMBO J. 1998;17:677-687 © as stated in the article, figure or figure legend