GENIUS and EnginFrame: what’s next in the Grid Portal business


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Presentation transcript:

GENIUS and EnginFrame: what’s next in the Grid Portal business Andrea Rodolico NICE srl The EGEE Industry Day Catania – Oct 26th, 2006

Contents NICE GENIUS and EnginFrame news Success stories in Business

NICE Expertise in Grid deployment European company with 10 years experience with enterprise Grid solutions Comprehensive professional service offering for commercial and EGEE middleware Core business: Grids & Grid Gateway GENIUS & EnginFrame Grid Portal product line VAR channels with worldwide coverage for implementation and support (incl. industry leader Platform Computing) Grid Projects Nata

Who uses EnginFrame? Mechanical Manufacturing Oil&Gas Electronics Audi, ARRK, BMW, Bridgestone, Delphi, Elasis/CRF, FIAT Auto, Ferrari, GDX Automotive, Magneti Marelli, P+Z, Swagelok, Toyota, TRW Manufacturing Air Products, Procter & Gamble, Galileo Avionica, Raytheon, Hamilton Sunstrand, Simpson Strong-Tie Oil&Gas British Gas, Rosneft, Schlumberger, Slavneft, Statoil, TOTAL, VNIIGaz Electronics STMicroelectronics, Accent, SensorDynamics, Motorola Others Telecom Italia, CC of Water Resources Research ASSC, BioLab, CCLRC, CERN, CILEA, CINECA, CNR, CNRS/IN2P3, DEISA, ENEA, FzU, ICI, IFAE, INFN, ITEP, JSC G.G.M., KU Leuven, LIBI, SSC-Russia, SDSC Education Dresda University, Ferrara University, ITU, Messina University, Politecnico of Milan, Technische Universität Dresden, Trinity College Dublin, Salerno University, Huazhong Normal University

Contents NICE GENIUS and EnginFrame news Success stories in business

GENIUS - EGEE Grid Portal EGEE06’ Industry Day, Catania– 26.10.2006

The Grid Portal / Gateway Home Users Managers Partners Standard protocols Grid / Compute Farm Grid Portal / Gateway Batch Applications Licenses Internal Users Interactive Applications JSR168 / Enterprise Portals Storage and Data EGEE06’ Industry Day, Catania– 26.10.2006

GENIUS/EnginFrame architecture JSR168 Portlet Containers WSDL/SOAP 3rd party Apps HTTP RSS Clients End users Data Grid (AFS, SRB, …) Storage Compute Grid (gLite, LSF, SGE, MS CCS, …) Internal HW/SW On-demand Skins / Themes Authentication – ACL management Custom XML Application Kits Data Management & Virtualization ISV n - XML Application Kit ISV 1 - XML Accounting / Billing GUI Virtualization Single-Sign-On Presentation engine Portlet GW WS GW RSS GW COTS WF manager Workflows Classic GENIUS Portlet GW WS GW RSS GW VO n - XML Application Kit VO 1 - XML Presentation engine MyProxy auth. w/ VOMS extensions Authentication – ACL management VNC remote Desktop over SSL General XML Application Kits Monitoring & Accounting Data Management & Virtualization EGEE middleware LCG-2 / gLite Local Data Distributed Data Globus middleware Compute resources EGEE06’ Industry Day, Catania– 26.10.2006

GENIUS: new version Based on EnginFrame 4.1 EGEE User Interface technology stack: Apache + Mod_JK2 ; Mod_SSL for secure encrypted connections ; Tomcat as servlets container ; EnginFrame 4.1 as core of 3-tier model New EF 4.1 Plugins approach for Grid integrations: independent deployable modules Improved virtualization of Remote File Browsing & Job monitoring Improved Security Server-Agent SSL channel encryption EGEE06’ Industry Day, Catania– 26.10.2006

GENIUS new features Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) Jobs recognition and their queue management Transparent support of EGEE LFC Catalog: easy data management Usability improvements and new feedbacks for users Support for AMGA Metadata GENIUS/EF services ready for JSR168 Portlets Containers GENIUS/EF services are exposed also as standard WSs EGEE06’ Industry Day, Catania– 26.10.2006

Enterprise / JSR168 Portal integration

EnginFrame CLI / Desktop extensions EGEE06’ Industry Day, Catania– 26.10.2006

GENIUS new features Coming soon: Support for EGEE Job Collections/Productions and WMS interactions New services for VOMS proxy and authentication gLite plug-in separation Ajax integration for better usability Other contributes from GENIUS Users and Community In Roadmap: WS consumer functionalities to interface gLite WS and other useful WS producers Workflow oriented services AMGA Interface for administrators JDL / JSDL submission wizards EGEE06’ Industry Day, Catania– 26.10.2006

Workflows for Life Sciences Powering DEISA & LIBI LS portals WSDL Tools EnginFrame WS provider MOTEUR (SCUFL WF enactor) SOAP Services (SOA) submit monitor Storage and Data Web Portal How to use it? HTML/HTTP Grid Computational Power EGEE06’ Industry Day, Catania– 26.10.2006

The EU-funded A-WARE project (An easy Way to Access grid REsoureces) gLite LSF Pluggable Workflow Orchestration Service BPEL plug-in EGEE06’ Industry Day, Catania– 26.10.2006

TriGrid VL Project Department of Physics and Astronomy of the Catania University and INFN of Catania EGEE06’ Industry Day, Catania– 26.10.2006

Cyber-infrastructure for research in Sardinia based on High performance networks Dedicated to the support of scientific & technological research Based on high speed networks connecting Research institutions Medical institutions … Network core on dark fibers Bandwidth Unlimited Computing AOB Orthogonalization between “glass pipes” and illumination technology “Future proof”: will survive the 10GbE to 40GbE transition (2007?) Can support both GbE and Infiniband “Application driven” network configuration Explicit allocation of lambdas to multi- centers meta computers EGEE06’ Industry Day, Catania– 26.10.2006

Contents NICE GENIUS and EnginFrame news Success stories in business EGEE06’ Industry Day, Catania– 26.10.2006

Portals in Oil and Gas Integrates BEINGRID HP Flexible O&G testbed Built on GENIUS Integrates HP Flexible Computing Services EGEE06’ Industry Day, Catania– 26.10.2006

MCAE portals in Automotive Now with online help, Incl. Chinese EGEE06’ Industry Day, Catania– 26.10.2006

Interactive / 3D integration IBM DCV Integration By end 2006 EGEE06’ Industry Day, Catania– 26.10.2006

E-Design collaboration Now including ClearCase & SW dev integr. Black-box for EDA simulation EGEE06’ Industry Day, Catania– 26.10.2006

Grid Portal in Telecom EGEE06’ Industry Day, Catania– 26.10.2006

Data exchange, sharing and versioning

HPC demo-center & ASP MS CCS Integration Coming soon! EGEE06’ Industry Day, Catania– 26.10.2006

Q&A Q & A Thanks for your attention! EGEE06’ Industry Day, Catania– 26.10.2006