Department of Environmental Quality Air Quality Rules Readoption, Group 1 Hearing Request Environmental Management Commission May 11, 2017 Department of Environmental Quality
Rule Groups &Anticipated General Timing (subject to change) Tentative General Timing (Subject to Change) Group Rules* Target Stakeholder Meeting Target EMC Adoption 1 02D .0100, .0200, .0300, .0400, .1300, .2000, .2200, .2300 December 2, 2016^ January 2018 2 02Q .0100, .0200, .0300, .0400, .0500, .0800, .0900 March 6, 2017^ Early 2018 3 02D .1100, .1200, .1700, 02Q .0700 Summer 2017 Summer 2018 4 02D .0540, .1800, .1900 Fall 2017 Fall 2018 5 02D .0600, .2100, .2600 Late Spring/Summer 2019 6 02D .0500, .0900, .1000, .1400 Spring/Summer 2018 Summer/Fall 2019 *Some rules may shift groups as process progresses ^Indicates date meeting held. Department of Environmental Quality
Group 1 Rules 12/2/2016 - Stakeholder Meeting 15A NCAC 02D SECTION .0100 ‑ DEFINITIONS AND REFERENCES SECTION .0200 ‑ AIR POLLUTION SOURCES SECTION .0300 ‑ AIR POLLUTION EMERGENCIES SECTION .0400 ‑ AMBIENT AIR QUALITY STANDARDS SECTION .1300 ‑ OXYGENATED GASOLINE STANDARD SECTION .2000 - TRANSPORTATION CONFORMITY SECTION .2200 - SPECIAL ORDERS 12/2/2016 - Stakeholder Meeting 1/11/2017 - Concept to Air Quality Committee (AQC) 1/14/2017 - Stakeholder comment period ended, one set of comments received, focused on updating landfill and other terminology and related requirements; to be considered further in conjunction with Landfill Rules Emissions Guidelines update effort and in broader context of other rules as continue readoption process 3/8/2017 - Draft rules to AQC Department of Environmental Quality
Group 1 Rules Preliminary Updates 15A NCAC 02D SECTION .0100 ‑ DEFINITIONS AND REFERENCES -4 rules (1 modified without substantive change, and 3 amended to update format of units, references agency name/address, provide web address for referenced documents) SECTION .0200 ‑ AIR POLLUTION SOURCES -2 rules (without change) SECTION .0300 ‑ AIR POLLUTION EMERGENCIES -7 rules (1 without change, 2 without substantive change, 4 with substantive change to make administrative changes, e.g., update Department name, formatting, capitalization and punctuation; update who proclaims alerts at different levels to Secretary level) SECTION .0400 ‑ AMBIENT AIR QUALITY STANDARDS - 7 rules (7 without substantive change - change to update .0405 to reflect 2015 Ozone NAAQS being handled separately) Department of Environmental Quality
Group 1 Rules Preliminary Updates 15A NCAC 02D SECTION .1300 ‑ OXYGENATED GASOLINE STANDARD -5 rules (5 repeals of rules formerly contingency measure for carbon monoxide (CO) limited maintenance plan; no longer needed) SECTION .2000 - TRANSPORTATION CONFORMITY -5 rules (2 without change, 2 without substantive change,1 with substantive change; requirements set federally and reflected in rule; updates to affected areas based on attainment status, clarifications, and cross reference updates) SECTION .2200 - SPECIAL ORDERS -5 rules (3 without change, 1 without substantive change, 1 with substantive change requirements statutorily set; administrative process reflected in rule; update to reflect online posting per statute Department of Environmental Quality
Group 1 Rules Tentative Timing (subject to change) 1/11/2017 Concept to Air Quality Committee (AQC) 3/9/2017 Draft Rules to AQC 5/11/2017 Request to Proceed to Comment and Hearing to Environmental Management Commission (EMC) 6/15/2017 Public Comment Period and Hearing 8/14/2017 11/10/2017 Readoption by EMC 12/21/2017 Rules Review Commission Approval 1/1/2018 Tentatively Effective Department of Environmental Quality