GY111L Geological Map Exercise Key Geological Attitudes & 3D Block Diagram Interpretation
Problem 1: Strike and dip of bedding: determine orientation from symbol. (B) (C) 25 55 270 90 270 90 270 90 71 180 180 180 (A) _________ (B)_______ (C)________ (D) (E) (F) 270 90 270 90 270 83 90 85 180 180 180 (D)_________ (E)________ (F)_________ (G) (H) (I) 75 270 90 270 90 270 90 10 180 180 180 (G)_________ (H)_________ (I)_________
Problem 2: Strike & Dip of Bedding: determine symbol from orientation. (B) (C) 270 90 270 90 270 90 180 180 180 (A) 000, 44E (B) 060, 55SE (C) 300, 05SW (D) (E) (F) 270 90 270 90 270 90 180 180 180 (D) 030, 77NW (E) 330,65NE (F) 330, 90 (G) (H) (I) 270 90 270 90 270 90 180 180 180 (G) 000, 77W (H) 270, 37S OT (I) Horizontal (dip=0)
Problem 3: Trend & Plunge of Lineation. (B) (C) 15 25 270 90 270 90 270 90 55 180 180 180 (A) _________ (B) _______ (C) _______ (D) (E) (F) 270 90 270 90 270 90 40 180 180 180 (D) ________ (E) _______ (F)________ (G) (H) (I) 22 270 90 270 90 270 90 55 43 180 180 180 (G) ________ (H) ________ (I) ________
Problem 4: Inclined bedding: add strike & dip symbols and finish the side face of the block diagram. With all of the block diagram problems always label each layer with the appropriate age label. N 35 Os Sv Df Ms
The sides of the block diagram. Problem 5: Folded strata: add strike and dip symbols, fold symbols, and complete The sides of the block diagram. N Jo Kd Ta Kd Jo Trp Pa Trp Jo Kd ?
Symbols, and complete the sides of the diagrams. Problem 6: Folded strata with stream valley: add strike and dip symbols, fold Symbols, and complete the sides of the diagrams. N Do Sa Ox Sa Do Mg Do Sa Ox ?
Faces of the block diagram. Problem 7: Domes/Basins: add strike and dip symbols and complete the side Faces of the block diagram. -Co -Co Sa Os Di N Mr Di -Co Sa Os p-C
the side faces, and add fold symbols along the axial traces. Problem 8: Plunging folds: add strike & dip symbols to map face, complete the side faces, and add fold symbols along the axial traces. Q Kpl N Jo Kpl Trg Ta Po Jo
Problem 9: Plunging and overturned folds: add strike and dip symbols, Complete the side faces, and add any fold axial trace symbols. Trx Jo Jo Kpk Ta N Jo Kpk Qa Kpk Ta Qa Ta
N -Ca -Cp Ox Sj Ox Do -Cp Sj Problem 10 Dip-Slip Fault: add strike & dip symbols, finish side faces, and add any needed fault symbols or labels. Fill in the classification below. Fault Classification:____________________________ NOTE: slickensides in fault zone were oriented parallel to dip line of fault. N -Ca -Cp 35 70 Ox Sj 70 Ox Do -Cp Sj
Side faces, and add any needed fold/fault symbols or labels. Problem 11 Faulting & Folding combined: add strike & dip symbols, finish the Side faces, and add any needed fold/fault symbols or labels. Fault Classification:______________________________________ Pa Sr Sr Dg Osp N 75 Mw Osp -Ca p-C