Process Mapping Symbols Intro to BPM Six Sigma Simplicity
Process Symbols 10 basic components/ icons utilized for mapping: ? Name Definition Symbol 1. Terminator Mark the start and stop points in a process map. 2. Activity Something that a person, group, mechanism or system does or has done. 3. Decision An action or process of deciding something or of resolving a question. 4. Flow Connect events, activities/decisions to one another or indication communication 5. Off page Connector Used to connect sub-processes on another page Start Stop Process Step System Step ? Hyperlink
Process Symbols continued Name Definition Symbol 6. On Page Connector Used to connect sub-processes on the same page 7. Predefined Process Describes a specific process Document Describes an existing document or document that needs to be created 9. Database Describes an existing database or database that needs to be created 10. Callout Add additional info to activities