Tivoli Common Reporting v1.2 Overview Payal Chakravarty Software Development and Enablement Engineer, Tivoli Common Reporting
Resources Tivoli Common Reporting Website (search online for “Tivoli Common Reporting”) http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/spaces/tcr Forums Articles Report Catalog TCR Users Guide Part of the TCR DVD How to use TCR Complete command reference TCR Style Guide Present in the <tip_install>\products\tcr\style Using TCR Style Package to create reports Sample reports and templates
Contents What’s New? How do I get it? Installation
What’s New: Integration with Tivoli Integrated Portal Link to TCR website Search Report List Report Description and Details The selected report has one or more report snapshots Report Sets Navigation Tree Report Snapshot List Snapshot List
What’s new: Scheduling Reports can be scheduled to run at particular times and intervals Right click on a report and select “Schedules” from the menu Specify Parameters Set Schedule Preview Schedule
What’s new: Report Set Security Security can be applied at a report set level so that only users with the right access can view/run/administer the reports. Right click on the report set in the navigation tree and click Authorizations. The Authorizations dialog contains a list of available users and the roles that can be assigned to them for the selected set.
What’s New: Report Set Security (cont..) “Security Set”: A security set is a securable group of resources in the data store. May contain report designs, globalized files, or resource directories. A typical use of a security set is to contain all of the objects imported from a particular report package; when you import a report package into the data store, you create a security set based on the name of the report package (you can also specify a different security set). Depending on the user role, a user with access to a security set might be able to view, modify, import, or export objects in the security set. When importing a report package the user can enter a Security Set name in the Advanced Settings section of the Import dialog. It can be the name of the report package you are importing or anything else.
What’s New: Report and Set Organization through the UI Reports and sets can be organized via the GUI using cut, copy, paste and paste shortcut functions available on the menu. Add report set: Right click on a report set and select Add Report Set with new set name and properties Move report set: Right click on a report set and cut it Paste it in a new parent set Move report: Right click on a report and cut it. Paste it in a new report set. Copy report: Right click on a report and copy it. Paste it in the same or new report set. Both the sets will have independent reports (referencing two independent report designs) with different report names, properties and parameters, that can be run independently. You can modify the Properties of the reports to change their display names. Reference report: Paste Shortcut in a new report set. The two sets will have two reports referencing the same report design with the same name, properties and parameters. Delete report: Right click on report and delete it. It will only delete the report and not the underlying report design which may be referenced by another report Delete report set: Right click on a set and delete it. It will only delete the set, not the underlying report package which may be referenced by another set
What’s New: LDAP Support TCR can be configured to use LDAP. Users can also be added/deleted using the Users and Groups menu in TIP. What’s New: Launch Reports with URL Reports can be launched directly using URLs of the format: <TIPhost>:<TIPPort>/TCR/Reports/view?_TCR_rpt_name=somereportName&_TCR_format=validFormat&yourreportParm1=value1&yourReportParmN=valueN Format: Where _TCR_format is html or pdf. Report name: You can get your report name by either: In the TCR UI, right click on a report in the report table, and click “Properties" and you'll see "report name". Or, from the TCR CLI: trcmd -list -reports For example, this report will work out of the box: https://xyz.ibm.com:16316/TCR/Reports/view?_TCR_rpt_name=/TivoliProducts/TCR/Overview&_TCR_format=html&LastNReportsRun=5&TopNMostRunReports=3
How do I get Reports for my products? How do I get TCR? TCR 1.2 is available in two ways: Standalone (e.g., shipped in a DVD with ITM 6.2.1) As an embedded component in Tivoli Integrated Portal (e.g., shipped with TBSM 4.2) Passport Advantage (through TCR adopting product) C1RS7ML.zip IBM Tivoli Common Reporting V1.2 Windows Multilingual C1RT1ML.tar IBM Tivoli Common Reporting V1.2 Linux Multilingual C1RT2ML.tar IBM Tivoli Common Reporting V1.2 Unix Multilingual C1RT3ML.tar IBM Tivoli Common Reporting V1.2 HP Multilingual C1RT4ML.tar IBM Tivoli Common Reporting V1.2 Solaris Multilingual C1RT5ML.tar IBM Tivoli Common Reporting V1.2 zLinux Multilingual How do I get Reports for my products? OPAL (ITM 6.2 OS Agents, ITCAM for SOA, Omegamon etc) Bundled with the GA’d product (ITPA 6.1.1, ITNM 3.7, TWS etc) May be available for download from the product’s support sites Refer Reports Catalog on Developerworks for links to download reports
Tivoli Common Reporting Installation - Planning Sizing and planning Platforms supported (* indicates new version supported by TCR 1.2) Browsers supported Machine requirements Memory -2GB RAM Disk – 600 MB Disk Space for install. Recommended 20 GB or more if generating large report snapshots Runs on generic Pentium 4 Windows machines, including laptops Platform Versions 32-bit 64-bit Solaris 9, 10, 11* Y N Linux RHEL 4, 5* SuSE 9, 10 Windows Server 2003, XP, Vista*, Server 2008* AIX 5.3, 6.1* HPUX 11iv2, 11iv3* Browser Version Browser 1 IE6 on XP Browser 2 IE7 on XP Browser 3 IE7 on Vista Browser 4 Firefox 1.5 Browser 5 Firefox 2.0
Installation and Migration Completely self-contained, with embedded web server (eWAS v6.1.0.9) and data store Includes open source components with install package Multiple products can share single version Supports migration of reports, resources, data source definitions, jdbc drivers, users and groups
Troubleshooting Logs for TCR can be found in the following locations: Audit Log & BIRT Engine Logs: <install dir>/profiles/TIPProfile/logs Server startup & stop, System Out & Err, and trace logs: <install dir>/profiles/TIPProfile/logs/server1 Enable Trace through the UI Login Choose the ‘Troubleshooting’ node Select ‘Logs and Trace’ Select ‘server1’ Choose ‘Change Log Detail Levels’ Select the ‘Runtime’ tab Select the appropriate components (more on this later) Choose to save the changes to the configuration if you wish them to persist on restart Select Apply Increase the Historical Trace Redo steps 1-4 of Enable Trace through the UI Choose ‘Diagnostic Trace Service’ Select the ‘Runtime’ tab Change the value for ‘Maximum Number of Historical Files’ Choose to save the changes to the configuration & select Apply