Catapult Project
Objectives This project will require you to apply your knowledge of projectile kinematics to predict the angles and force necessary to accurately hit a target and maximize horizontal distance traveled. Your overall goal will be to build a catapult that is capable of launching a tennis ball or golf ball 5 meters and is accurate at this range (able to hit a target). In addition to the laboratory report you will receive 4 points each for launching 5+ meters and accuracy. The team with the greatest accuracy at 5 meters will be awarded 2 additional bonus points!
Guidelines 1. Each team must construct a catapult that can launch a tennis or golf ball at various angles on a consistent basis (hitting a target). You must use common household materials to construct your catapult (i.e. plastic spoons, rubber bands, Popsicle sticks, string, glue, scrap wood, nails, screws etc…). 2. Springs and elastic devices can power the catapult. No rockets or chemicals can be used. 3. The catapult, when “cocked” and prepared for launch, must fit within a .5 m cube on each side (.5m x .5m) 4. The catapult should be of sufficient mass to ensure that it remains behind the launch line after the projectile has been launched. The catapult will be disqualified if it crosses or moves into the launch line. 5. The safety of the contestant and the audience is our primary concern. Prior to the competition I will disqualify any catapult that appears unsafe or uncontrollable. No launch will be made from an unsafe device. 6. I will measure the distance from the bull’s eye to the ball’s first point of contact with the floor. 7. A contestant will make two launches. The better of the two launches will go towards the contestants final score.
Safety • Catapult materials should remain in Mrs. Kemp’s classroom unless permission is given. • Catapult construction dealing with machinery should only occur under close teacher/parent supervision. • Prior to testing and competition catapults will be inspected for safety. This includes but is not limited to detected instability, loose moving parts, sharp edges/protrusions, etc. Catapults that appear unsafe or uncontrollable will not be tested. No launch will be made from an unsafe device. • Safety goggles must be worn at all times during construction, testing, and competition. • Catapults may not be fired without prior permission (Mrs. Kemp knows that you are “testing”). • Catapults will not be fired within the classroom. • Testers will ensure that the area within the firing range is clear before discharging their catapult. • Catapults should be aimed away from people at all times.
Schedule of events Date Activity 11/17-11/20 Research 11/21-11/22 Planning- Diagram, Materials, & Hypothesis 11/27 Safety Contract DUE (No Exceptions) 11/27-11/30 Build & Test 12/4 Final Test Day 12/5 Catapult Challenge 12/6-12/8 Analysis, Report, & Reflection 12/11 Report DUE
Research How does launch angle and initial velocity impact the accuracy and distance traveled (x & y) of your projectile? What is the scientific reasoning behind these responses? What design will be most appropriate for your device based on it’s purpose? How will you create your angle & velocity? How will your design allow you to make adjustments for angle?