EU funding 2014-2020 Justice Programme Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme Renatas MAŽEIKA - European Commission DG Justice and Consumers
Overview The funding Programmes of DG Justice I.a. Basic notions of EU Funding I.b. The funding Programmes of DG Justice I.c. The 2016 Annual Work Programmes I.d. The 2016 Calls for proposals
I.a. Basic notions of EU Funding (1) Direct management vs. Shared management Funding cycles: 2007-2013; 2014-2020 Funding programmes
I.a. Basic notions of EU Funding (2) Annual Work Programmes Grants vs. Contracts Action Grants Operating Grants Calls for proposals Applicants and Partners
I.b. Funding Programmes of DG Justice (1) Funding programmes 2014-2020 Justice Programme: 377,6 M€ Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (REC): 439,5 M€ Adopted on 17 December 2013
I.b. Funding Programmes of DG Justice (2) The Justice Programme Judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters Judicial training Access to justice Drug policy initiatives
I.b. Funding Programmes of DG Justice (3) The REC Programme Non–discrimination Racism, xenophobia, homophobia Rights of persons with disabilities Gender equality Daphne - Prevent violence against children, young people, women and groups at risk Rights of the child EU Citizenship Data protection Consumer rights
I.b. Funding Programmes of DG Justice (4) Types of activities Analytical activities (studies, data collection,…) Training Mutual learning, cooperation Awareness-raising, dissemination
I.b. Funding Programmes of DG Justice (5) Who can participate? General rules All public and private entities Profit-oriented organisations: limited access International organisations Justice: All MS, except DK and UK REC: All MS + Iceland and Liechtenstein for some calls BUT consult each call for the specific rules!
I.c. The 2015 Annual Work Programmes Annual Work Programme 2016 for Justice (50M) Annual Work Programme 2016 for REC (59M)
Ι.d. The 2016 Calls for proposals (1) Justice Programme – Action Grants EUR 23 million. To be published in June Judicial cooperation in civil matters 12 Oct – 7 Dec 2016 € 3.500.000 Judicial cooperation in criminal matters 9 Nov 2016 – 11 Jan 2017 € 1.300.000 Prevent radicalisation leading to terrorism 27 Sept – 15 Nov 2016 € 4.000.000 e-Justice projects 26 Oct 2016 – 11 Jan 2017 € 3.500.000 Rights of persons suspected or accused of crime 14 Sept – 25 Oct 2016 € 2.000.000 Rights of victims of crime 15 Sept – 25 Oct 2016 € 3.048.000 Judicial training in civil, criminal law or fundamental rights 14 Sept – 16 Nov 2016 € 5.700.000
Ι.d. The 2016 Calls for proposals (2) REC Programme – Action Grants Total EUR 25 million
Ι.d. The 2016 Calls for proposals (3) REC Programme –
Ι.d. The 2016 Calls for proposals (4) REC Programme –
Statistics on Cyprus' participation 2014 total applications: 1344, Statistics on Cyprus' participation 2014 total applications: 1344, CY applications: 22 percentage: 1,64% ITALY 315 +95 From 2014 the anti-discrimination call is missing, which is not closed yet. In 2013 Cypriot organisations had submitted 23 applications, out of which 5 were successful (1drugs, 2 violence against children, 1 anti-discrimination, 1 gender equality). Their success rate was almost 22%, which is not bad (the general success rate was 15,16%).
Statistics on Cyprus' participation 2015 total applications: 1102, Statistics on Cyprus' participation 2015 total applications: 1102, CY applications: 23 percentage: 2,09% From 2014 the anti-discrimination call is missing, which is not closed yet. In 2013 Cypriot organisations had submitted 23 applications, out of which 5 were successful (1drugs, 2 violence against children, 1 anti-discrimination, 1 gender equality). Their success rate was almost 22%, which is not bad (the general success rate was 15,16%).
Overview DG Justice website Transition from Priamos to Participants Portal What makes a good project?
I. DG Justice website (1)
Ι. DG Justice website (2) Calls for proposals
I. DG Justice website (3) Annual Work Programmes
II. Transition– from PRIAMOS to Participant Portal (PP): (1) /index.html Go to funding opportunities. - look if there's any call published - check what is the submission opening date - check what is the submission closure date.
II. Transition– from PRIAMOS to Participant Portal (PP): (2) Main consequences: different interface, changes in terminology (i.e. call becomes topic), differences in the application procedure, different annexes,
How to work with Participant Portal? II. Transition– from PRIAMOS to Participant Portal (PP): (3) How to work with Participant Portal? Check regularly funding opportunities on the Participant Portal, select the Justice (or REC) programme, check what is the submission opening date, check what is the submission closure date.
Once the topic is published on the portal: II. Transition– from PRIAMOS to Participant Portal (PP): (4) Once the topic is published on the portal: Read carefully the topic conditions! Is your organisation eligible to apply? Does your project idea address the priorities? Do you have the minimum partnership? Is your proposed partnership appropriate for implementing your project? What are the award criteria and their weighting? DG Justice will harmonise the award criteria for all topics (30,30, 20,10,10)
II. Transition– from PRIAMOS to Participant Portal (PP): (5) Preparation Start preparing ''at least'' once the topic is published (it may be a few weeks/months before it is opened for submission), Read the new Guide for applicants, which explains the new procedure (available under each topic notice on the PP) Consult your partners Address any IT related question through the helpdesk contact form: For non-IT related questions write directly to DG Justice&Consumers: for Justice programme and for REC programme
2 steps application process: II. Transition– from PRIAMOS to Participant Portal (PP): (6) 2 steps application process: Step 1. Create a user account and register your organization on the participants portal: Part A: dynamic form which administrative information
2 steps application process: II. Transition– from PRIAMOS to Participant Portal (PP): (7) 2 steps application process: Step 2. Apply for a project: 3 parts: Part A, which includes the administrative information about coordinator and partners and the estimated budget table, Part B, which comprises of the technical content of the proposal; and Annexes (e.g. Annual activity report, Indicators)
Specific issues regarding project application: II. Transition– from PRIAMOS to Participant Portal (PP): (8) Specific issues regarding project application: Simplified budget table – no details, All MS Word and MS Excel files must be converted to *.pdf before uploading to the system, All partners must register and then they are selected by the project coordinator in Part A (no separate partner declarations). No associate partners, thus no declarations. Detailed explanation in the new Guide
II. Transition– from PRIAMOS to Participant Portal (PP): (9) After submission Regularly check your email: Commission my contact you to ask for clarifications/additional documents or information Be patient: the evaluation takes between 4 and 6 months All unsuccessful applicants receive letter with reasons Successful applicants: grant agreement preparation
III. What makes a good project? (1) Relevance Relevant, in line with priorities Addresses a specific & real need in the field Addresses the appropriate audience/target group Clear concept, well explained objectives Mainstreaming, where relevant
III. What makes a good project? (2) Results Achieves relevant results Involves the target groups Produces sustainable results Realistic/quantifiable outputs Good dissemination
III. What makes a good project? (3) Methodology Attainable activities, appropriate to meet the objectives Well planned activities, elaborated in sufficient detail (workstreams) Well established methodology Monitoring of implementation Identification of risks & mitigating measures
III. What makes a good project? (4) Strong partnership partner organisations employees Strong EU dimension, EU added value To be demonstrated also for national projects! Cost-effective project, well planned budget
Contacts: DG Justice
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