4.0 Markets and Applications
Training Overview Introduction to Greenfox Core Concepts of Sirius Different Sirius models Market Segments and Applications Sizing for solar applications Module Operation and Specifications
Solar Sizing Solar is probably the most complex area where Sirius can be deployed. It is the area with the most variables in both consumption and generation. This document will focus on two types of solar systems. The first is energy storage systems (or surplus recovery systems), the second is off-grid. Off-grid poses the most challenges by far and we will focus extensively on how to optimize the design with Supercapacitors. If solar sizing is done correctly, supercapacitor systems will be significantly lower in both Capex and Opex.
Energy Storage Option LG Chem RESU Sunlight OPzS Sirius System Cost Load details Lights: Lounge, Kitchen, Entrance, Main BedR, Bedr 2, Bedr 3, 100W LED Flood DNS Appliances: 55” Plasma TV, 55” LED TV, Fridge-Freezer x 2, Upright Fridge, Upright Freezer, Chest Freezer, DeLonghi Coffee Station, Dishwasher, Washing Machine, Toaster. Pool Pump 750W AC – Main Bedroom & Lounge Underfloor Heating – Main Bathroom Simulation parameters. Location: Pretoria Tariff: Residential Flat rate R2.22/kW.h Tariff escalation per annum: 10% LG Chem RESU Sunlight OPzS Sirius System Cost R 196 333.33 R 226 554.02 R 215 853.87 Rated Battery Capacity 6.5kW.h 23.71kW.h 7.1KW.h Usable KW.h Daily 5.9kW.h 6.9kW.h 7.1kW.h Battery Efficiency 87% 62% 99.1% Monthly Battery Cost R329.29 R376.92 R126.21 Daily Surplus Recovery 4.4kW.h 5.5kW.h System Payback 11.3 Years 11.9 Years 10.0 Years 20 Year Saving R 361 191.00 R 360 659.29 R 459 936.81
Off-Grid System LG Chem RESU Sunlight OPzS Sirius System Cost Load details Lights: Lounge, Kitchen, Entrance, Main BedR, Bedr 2, Bedr 3, 100W LED Flood DNS Appliances: 55” Plasma TV, 55” LED TV, Fridge-Freezer x 2, Upright Fridge, Upright Freezer, Chest Freezer, DeLonghi Coffee Station, Dishwasher, Washing Machine, Toaster. Pool Pump 750W AC – Main Bedroom & Lounge Simulation parameters. Location: Pretoria Tariff: Generator as Main Supply Tariff escalation per annum: 10% LG Chem RESU Sunlight OPzS Sirius System Cost R 441 195.33 R 412 784.35 R 362 057.32 Rated Battery Capacity 26.0kW.h 67.5kW.h 7.1KW.h Usable KW.h Daily 23.6kW.h 40.5kW.h 14.2kW.h Battery Efficiency 87% 62% 99.1% Battery & Elec Monthly R875.00 R800.00 R350.21 System Payback 10.3 Years 9.8 Years 8.4 Years 20 Year Saving R1 203 610.23 R1 257 333.33 R1 361 723.47
Learnings Connecting multiple batteries in Parallel Check for voltage differences, as little as 1V difference can have a battery OC to equalize. Connecting units in series Charge up all the batteries to Vmax in parallel before connecting them in series Ideally a battery balancer should be connected as well Remember to remove equalization charge on chargers Capacitors do not enjoy OV Do not drain past 44.0V and leave for later If the balancing stops working, the charge retention is also gone. It will lose its charge in a few days. At 36V the safety contactor stops working in the normally open position. If you want to fly a battery you can do it for safety, but you are opening up the battery on the other Temperatures below 0°C Below 0°C capacitors lose surface area due to the shrinkage. If supercapacitors operate in extremely cold conditions, you will lose a bit of capacity. There is no permanent damage, as soon as the capacitor heats up again the surface area expands back to normal size.