Improvement of the integrated information system How the CIT improve the management system colaboran 24 octubre 2017
The HLA Hospitalary Group was created as result of our cooperative nature in order to satisfied our patients needs, It´s formed by 15 hospitals that offer more than 1,250 beds for inpatients all around Spain. The overall turnover of the HLA Group reached 250 million euros, of which 5% went to the modernization of our infrastructures and acquisition of new equipment
Managing more than 260,000 inpatients stays throughout the country requires a solid and specialized team: more than 3,000 health professionals and non- healthcare professionals guarantee excellence in patient care. In addition we attended 575,000 outpatient consultations, 86,000 Surgical procedures, and 483,000 emergencies
Understanding how ICTs can generate “value” in health systems can help to guide decision about ongoing and future ICT initiatives, underpin the business case for further investment and identify outcome drivers. The term “value” in this report implies a broader view of how ICTs can produce results than the usual metrics commonly used in return on investment analyses (ROI). In the health sector there is often no measure of performance analogous to profits for private sector firms. While a non-healthcare business selecting its investments in ICTs might consider only financial return on investment, health care is a sector that places an unusual emphasis on non-financial goals. In health care, a standardised production process is difficult to identify, and, depending on the care setting, there is considerable variation in how and what outputs are produced, and what type and mix of inputs are used to produce them.
if ICT is used by a hospital to raise the quality of care or change the mix of services it provides, the resulting financial costs and benefits to the hospital will depend on how the care is delivered and paid for and the extent of transformation required in workflow and processes. How ICTs are used and the context in which they are used are both critical to maximising potential benefits. Is a substantial opportunity: to improve health care quality and reduce health care costs through ICTs – by improving the efficiency with which health care is delivered, and reducing the delivery of services with little or no value.
Health ICTs are essential for hospitals management & generate value They are excellent tools for: -. Improve and optimize processes -. Increase quality of care and efficiency. -. Reduce operating costs of clinical services. -. Reduce administrative costs. -. Enabling entirely new modes of care.
Health ICTs are essential for hospitals management & generate value -. Agility in operations and hospital activities: -. Allowing data capture in the fast and safest way (Operative Application) -. In order to process this data and convert it into easily analyzable information (Tactical Application) -. Help to decision taking (Strategic Application).
They are powerful tools for innovation in hospitals -. Facilitate innovation at processes, products and services level -. Provide us new organization and work models, such as: -. Telework, -. Mobility (or roaming) work and -. Virtual teams work (physically distributed in different locations)
Hospital processes are supported by these technologies: -.Logistics and distribution processes (supply chain management). -.Production process (ERP Enterprise Resource Planning or integral management systems). -.Business and marketing activities (CRM Customer Relationship Management). -. New Product Development Processes (CAD). Improve of teamwork communications and collaboration between professionals, inside and outside the organization itself (intranets, emails or social networks).
It would be very difficult to return to a stage without computer applications for the day to day of our hospitals. But just the ICT incorporation in hospitals does not mean that there is an increase in productivity or improvement of processes and their competitiveness. This is only achieved if we choose and apply the right technologies, in the right way and in the right moment.
We have to evaluate: The why of the tools. What strategic, tactical and operational goals should be met. But, above all, how we take advantage of these tools and exploit them, once put into action. And that depends on you: That our hospitals professionals adopt and use these technologies correctly and efficiently. That we ensure a good management of the organizational change originated by the implementation of the new information systems
You only get improvement in the productivity of organizations if you make an ICT´s INTENSIVE use. The ICT INTERMEDIATE use usually produces the opposite process: -. It causes duplication of processes (automatic and manual). -. It creates the need to perform data exchange procedures between different applications. -. Replication of information in different systems, All of which causes: Waste of time, Possible consistency problems between hospital files and databases.
ICT makes the most of: Fulfilling the needs for what were defined, developed. With the professionals and managers teamwork, ensuring that professionals and managers use them as it should Hospitals managers: Need help to define what information systems we need, what we want them to do, what we expect them to give us and tell the technical team to find the most appropriate solutions to meet these needs. Take responsibility for professionals to adopt these technologies, and to use them in their day to day. Ensure that these systems are exploited and get the most out of them, fulfilling why they were launched. We can not leave these decisions in the hands of the technical team alone
It is an efficient health management technology guide, designed by a multidisciplinary team of health, management and information technology professionals. It guarantees the direct communication with the different users through different technological platforms of information, besides facilitating the use, the mobility and the decision making and to increase the security assists.
Maximize resource efficiency, be more effective in managing and facilitate work for professionals. It teaches to work efficiently, acting as a methodological guide for the operation of the Hospital, analyzing, interpreting and executing decisions based on the data obtained and allowing influence on the quality, costs, human resources, productivity and patient satisfaction , without forgetting the fulfillment of the business plan.