According to the Law “the Security Service of Ukraine is a state law-enforcement agency of special purpose that provides the state security of Ukraine” Successor of the former KGB Subordinated directly to the President Around 31.000 employees Military organization with civil functions Combined security intelligence and law enforcement status Regional presence in all oblasts Five years of higher education in the SSU National Academy Own medical and recreation system (hospital, resorts, kinder gardens, huge support dep. etc.) SSU Tasks: Counterintelligence (including military CI), counterterrorism, state secrets protection, countering corruption and organized crime, economic crimes investigation, communication interception, national security analysis WHAT IS the SSU NOW?
WHAT DO WE WANT TO ACHIEVE “The main function of the Service is not to prosecute the person and put him/her in prison. The main function of the Service is to prevent the crime using intelligence measures. You have to consider as the failure of the main Service task and direct Service imperfection when the criminal case is initiated and the person is being prosecuted” Bo Renner, EUAM Senior Adviser on Domestic Security “The main function of KGB is not to prosecute the person and put him/her in prison. The main function of KGB is to prevent the crime using intelligence measures. You have to consider as the failure of the main KGB task and direct KGB imperfection when the criminal case is initiated and the person is being prosecuted” Yuriy Andropov, KGB Chairman, 1980 speech in KGB Board meeting
SSU has to be an intelligence (operational) agency concentrating on the core functions: Counterintelligence (CI) Counterterrorism (CT) State secrets protection Security analysis Other functions (anticorruption, organized crime, economic crime etc.), must be handed over to other LEAs SSU has to keep limited pre-trial investigation function only in the areas: CI, CT, unlawful disclosure of secret information Effective mechanisms of oversight must be established over SSU intelligence activity Staff downsizing and introduction of effective mechanism of personnel management Demilitarization: SSU has to be civilian agency Effective cooperation with Euro Atlantic security and intelligence agencies WHAT WE WANT TO ACHIEVE
WHO IS IN CHARGE ? In October 2015 EUAM requested from NSDC to create the Reform Task Force with international advisers participation In December 2015 NSDC tasked SSU to create International Advisory Group (IAG) in order to draft the Concept of SSU reform In January 2016 SSU invited EUAM and NATO LO along with several official intelligence representatives in Ukraine to participate in IAG meetings SSU created special Unit - Center for the reform to ensure day-to-day activity on Concept of the reform drafting within IAG framework
HOW WE WORK LOCAL OWNERSHIP International Advisory Group International advisers Ukrainian counterparts EUAM SSU top management (SSU Chief of staff, Chairman advisers, etc.) Joint meetings SSU Center for the reform NATO Liaison Office LOCAL OWNERSHIP Respective SSU departments (depending on the subject of discussion) several states official intelligence representatives
SSU CONCEPT OF THE REFORM WHAT IS OUR PRODUCT Strategic Advice SSU CONCEPT OF THE REFORM drafted during February – June 2016, signed by SSU Chairman, supported by NSDC and submitted to the President in August 2016 SSU REFORM ACTION PLAN under drafting process since August 2016 SPECIAL REPORT from EUAM to CPCC (now in PSC)
Delineation of competences Adherence to the human rights principals STRATEGIC ADVICE Delineation of competences Advised to adapt a European domestic security service model which entails a combination of limited criminal investigation powers and crime prevention with an internal intelligence role function Oversight mechanism Advised on establishing independent oversight body over the SSU intelligence activity in line with the best European practices of such countries as Sweden and Norway Demilitarization SSU should demilitarise its structure, improve its organisational structure, and transform itself into a civilian service Adherence to the human rights principals Advised to implement a training program on human rights and a program on countering corruption
EUAM AND NATO STRATEGIC ADVICE International cooperation Advising on SSU incorporation into intelligence-sharing regimes with other European services that will increase its efficiency Enhance public trust Advising on development and implementation of an effective communication strategy Changes in human resources politics Standards needs to be established for an open recruitment process including set objectives and measurable criteria for the professional qualification requirements for all positions in the Service Increasing SSU internal security function efficiency SSU ought to launch a secure internal and external (to ensure secure communications with services in other countries) communications network combined with a system of secret electronic documents workflow.
HUMAN RIGHTS IN SSU INTELLIGENCE AND PRE-TRIAL INVESTIGATION ACTIVITY EUAM PROJECT ACTIVITY Projects in order to ensure the coherence and sustainability of SSU reform: HUMAN RIGHTS IN SSU INTELLIGENCE AND PRE-TRIAL INVESTIGATION ACTIVITY EUAM is the first among other international institutions started to introduce HR practice in SSU activity on the project basis by conducting first in SSU history human rights training in Lviv (3-7 October). Trainings will be held in Kharkiv and Odesa in 2017 and ultimately the practice will be handed over to UA ownership (SSU National Academy) through conducting train-the-trainers courses.
Transparency and public trust SSU ANNUAL PUBLIC REPORT PROJECT Informing the public about the SSU’s operational activity, thus contributing to transparency. The report would be published in Ukrainian and English and the goal is to continue this practice thenceforth. The plan is to publish the annual report on 25 March 2017, when the SSU will celebrate its 25th anniversary. Joint HoM and SSU Chairman press-conference is envisaged to introduce the report to the public. This represents an opportunity to inform the public not only on the SSU’s and its accomplishments but also on the reforms planned.
NATO & EUAM ASSISTANCE Best practices in intelligence oversight. In 2017 EUAM together with NATO LO will organize a two days’ workshop for Ukrainian parliamentarians, members from SSU and the Ukrainian intelligence service with the Norwegian Parliamentary Oversight committee on Sec &Intel services Training NATO & EUAM has provided reform supportive training to the SSU (ex intelligence and investigation information exchange in overseas assets recovery, personell management, anticorruption, human rights, counter-terrorism, cyber-security and forensic issues in order to enhance SSU international cooperation capabilities and level of trust in Euro Atlantic sec& Int communities . Human resources and security intelligence strategic planning. Swedish Security Service representatives conducted 2 days seminar for SSU on HR, planning, oversight and international cooperation.