National Accounts Metadata Neil Currie GDP Coordination Office for National Statistics 26/06/2017
National Accounts Page and articles Here we release articles on methodological and data source changes to National Accounts
A Short Guide to National Accounts Alongside details of changes we publish summary articles so users can understand and interpret our data. A short guide to national accounts: Framework for National accounts Measures of GDP Measure of GNI Sector Accounts Supply Use Tables Price/volume measures terminology BOP Publications Regional and Satellite accounts Pdf file, 2015 version 2011 version also available on website:
Economic Theme Days ONS has moved to publishing similar releases together on theme days Monthly economic commentary is published alongside GDP releases and other related releases such as the Index of Services Commentary is broad and improves coherence amongst related bulletins GDP and other bulletins released on coherent theme days
GDP Bulletin Recently we streamlined releases across ONS Bulletins include figures and charts along with regular and ad-hoc analysis Key quality information remains in bulletins but static information is linked to and made available elsewhere on the website Information is presented on data content; on where modelling has been used; and users are warned where figures should be treated with caution Alongside each release, explorable datasets are made available Snapshots of our releases and data over time are also available Prelim: Second Estimate: QNA:
Quality and Methodology Within GDP Releases Preliminary Estimate: Second Estimate: Quarterly National Accounts:
GDP Quality Methodology Information Paper Static information in QMI documents linked to from bulletins QMI regularly reviewed and updated
Revisions Revisions to GDP are necessary as part of the trade off between timeliness and accuracy In ONS National Accounts we communicate revisions to our users alongside regular releases We don’t publish standard errors or confidence intervals around our GDP estimates since they are not based solely on sample surveys
GDP Output Source Catalogue A document containing information on data sources for GDP Output, broken down by industry for current price, volume and deflators In the process of compiling a similar catalogue for Income and Expenditure
Neil Currie GDP Coordination Office for National Statistics neil Neil Currie GDP Coordination Office for National Statistics