Wellbeing directory Aims of the directory The main aim of the directory is to help people find the services they are looking for. Making the Directory accessible for people of all ages is one of our main aims. To do this we have looked at creating a way to help navigate through the directory with ease. The Directory will also contain some case studies from people who have accessed different services. The aim for the case studies is to make the directory appear more real. This would Show how services have helped other people.
What would be the best way for the Mental Health Champions to get hold of a copy? What is the preferred version of the directory (printed or online)? What information would you like to see? What would be useful for you? Send any answers to this email mentalwellbeingbdc@gmail.com
Youth café Aims for the youth café Monday (13-18) Wednesday (16-25) 3-8pm Safe space Aims for the youth café Create a safe environment that enables young people to open up. Two themed workshops each month based on what young people want to do. Eventually aim for young people to take a lead on workshops Build on ownership For more information on workshops and events please email – rosema@thebreadandroses.coop