Welcome to informaworld TM. The following demo will show you just a few of the features on informaworld TM. Please select where you would like start. ePublication Pages Account Administration Tools Search & Browse
Quick search can cover the whole site, or specific types of search
In this example we have chosen to search by publication name
Search results include journals, eBooks and eBook series. Results could include Reference Works and Abstract Database records.
Now, we want to find a chapter or article so we select the Advanced Search link.
We enter julius and caesar and opt to search for both terms in the article/chapter title. We could set other limits including subject and date.
In our search results the search criteria are highlighted. Selecting the article or chapter title opens the abstract for the item.
We could create a new search – this would return us to the advanced search screen. Or we could modify our search – this would return us to the advanced search screen with our previous selections displayed. We could search within results – this would return us to the advanced search screen where we can make additional selections.
We can save the search… give it a name and receive alerts for new results We can create an alert, add articles to our shopping cart, or download citations for search results. The saved searches, alerts and marked lists are managed in My Account See more about My Account
We can browse by subject or by title
Browsing by title shows us every ePublication on informaworld.
Other browse options are to browse by subject or by author
To explore our specialist subject areas, we select a subject
Each subject area is full of news and offers relating our publications, and other resources in the subject area.
This is the homepage for Accounting, Business & Financial History. From this page you can link to: - any issue in the journal - the latest issue - aims & scope, editorial board and other ancillary information >
We decide we are interested in this journal, so we select the mark button to add to our marked list
A panel appears at the top of the page confirming that we have added the title to our marked list. Other options include: - create an alert - sign up to an RSS feed - find out how to link to the journal - recommend the journal to a friend or librarian <
We are back on the issue list, and this time, we want to see the table of contents for an issue. We select the issue name.
This is the table of contents. We could use the links above the table of contents to purchase the issue… … or we could use the drop- down menu to add any of the listed articles to our marked list or shopping cart.
We choose to select an article title to link to the abstract.
We are interested in the references for this article so we select the references tab at the top. (We could alternatively select the link at the bottom of the page.).
References are displayed with hyperlinks to view possible places we can read the cited article
Weve searched for an eBook. Each eBook has a summary page for a brief description and bibliographic information. Information on other eBooks in the same series is available You can search the full text of the eBook
The table of contents lists each chapter and allows us to add chapters to our marked list.
eBook chapter is displayed with links to other chapters.
Reference Works
We can browse an encyclopedia alphabetically by the article title, or the contributor name. We can also view the most recent updates first. Alternatively, search the encyclopedia
We can choose an action to add an encyclopedia article to our marked list Choose an article to view an abstract or full text
For those without a subscription, an article can be purchased For other resources in a research area, view related articles
Account Administration Tools
Your institutional account will be migrated to informaworld TM and you will be sent a username and password to manage your account Select the sign in link
Enter a username and password. If you have forgotten your password, you can retrieve it by selecting the link here.
Signing in with your manager username and password gives you access to the My Account area for your institution You will see the details of your institution, plus the details of any parent institutions, such as a consortia, or main library. To edit account details, such as address, manager password, and address, select edit details
In addition to these details, you can provide a logo so that your users know you have provided them with access to online resources. Enter the URL for your logo: it needs to be hosted on your website. Enter the URL to which you wish a user to be taken if they click on your logo.
Logo appears here. Name of institution appears here.
To link your Athens account to informaworld select the link and enter your Athens username and password
If you would like to register your link resolver, we require the prefix.
To manage IP addresses select edit logins
Any existing IP addresses and usernames and passwords will be shown here. Enter a new IP range or username and password. You will receive confirmation when your changes have been verified.
The subscription summary gives you information on your subscriptions You can see all your subscriptions, plus titles you can access through consortia or a main library Or, you can view just the subscriptions you manage.
Limit visible subscriptions to journals only, or eBooks only. Download your subscription information including URLs.
The purchase history shows all online purchases made for your institution.
COUNTER-compliant usage reports will be available after one month of activity on informaworld
Manage your alerts, including new publication alerts for research subjects. RSS feeds are also available
You can create multiple marked lists and give them names, allowing you to find resources and save them for users.
For more resources visit the Librarians area