U.S. Army in Afghanistan and Iraq: The Official History (AKA: The Tan Books) Dr. Shane Story 26 July 2017
Purpose Discuss planning issues and concepts to promote Army-wide collaboration on the official history of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Agenda Why official history is controversial and difficult Background Critical historical questions The Tan Book series Hurdles Asks Way Ahead
Controversies and Difficulties Policy Is Controversial Strategy and operations derive from intense policy debates that never fully resolve Reputations and legacies are at stake Decisions and outcomes aren’t always clear Official Records Scattered Fragmentary Incomplete Overwhelming
Why Official History? Organize and preserve records (Bergdahl) Adjudicate claims for benefits and awards; answer Congressional and public queries; answer senior leaders’ RFIs. Circumstances surrounding a Medal of Honor nomination. Chemical weapons in Vietnam? Readiness rates in the 1970s and 1980s? To understand what happened (the Iraq Surge; Battle of Wanat) To develop doctrine and educate current and future leaders (Airland Battle; Counterinsurgency; Advise and Assist) To honor those who served and preserve heritage (WWI Commemoration)
Background The Army has been publishing official records or official history since the Civil War. Project Years Results Civil War 1862-1902 128 volumes. The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies World War I 1917-1950 15 volumes. U.S. Army in the World War, 1917-1919 World War II 1942-1992 79 volumes. U.S. Army in World War II. Korean War 1951-1990 4 volumes. U.S. Army in the Korean War. Vietnam War 1965- 11 of 15 volumes complete. U.S. Army in Vietnam Cold War 1992- 3 of 8 volumes complete. U.S. Army in the Cold War GWOT 2017-
Army Histories Since 9/11 Efforts widespread and varied. Massive Records Collections: CMH, CALL, CSI, AHEC, NDU, OEF/OIF/ONE War Records Project Publications CMH: 6 Books CSI: Dozens of books and SAMS monographs CSA Initiatives: On Point I & II Command interest: CSA Projects: OIF Study Group; OEF Study Group AMC: Large, 2-year contract with CSI on global sustainment AMEDD: Committing 2 historians for two decades OTJAG What is Missing? An integrated vision and sustained commitment.
A picture may be worth a thousand words, but . . . these pictures need a thousand words of official history to explain why the helicopter crew won the Distinguished Flying Cross, why 2d Infantry Division soldiers deployed to Iraq, why commanders had to listen to village elders, and what happened in the Wanat valley?
Series Vision Establish an operational framework of who, when, where, how, what, why, and significance (unit, timeframe, area of operations, mission, execution, assessment) Tell the story of the American Soldier Authoritative basis for future research
Three Subseries Afghanistan: Written at CMH Iraq: Written at CMH Institutional: CMH coordinates and integrates ACOM/ASCC/DRU initiatives
Afghanistan Subseries Title Author Hurdles Decisive Operations (2001-2002) TBD Stability Operations (2002-2005) Reardon CSA OEF project; Building the Iraqi Army Economy of Force (2005-2008) Williams CSA OEF project Surge (2008-2011) Retrograde (2011-2014) Order of Battle Pictorial Record Building Afghan National Security Forces
Iraq Subseries Title Author Hurdles U.S. Army in the Persian Gulf (1990-2001) TBD Integrate new author Invasion: Planning to Execution (2001-2003) CJTF-7 (2003-2004) MNF-I (2004-2006) MNF-I (2007-2008) Schlosser DAHASC MNF-I (2009) MNF-I (2010-2011) Order of Battle Pictorial Record Coalition Forces Land Component Command (CFLCC) in the Invasion Story Supervisor, plan series, NMUSA, guide projects. Building the Iraqi Army Reardon CSA OEF Project
Institutional Subseries Title Author Hurdles AMEDD Sanders Jones Operational Law (OTJAG) Borch Training Recruiting & Manpower Sustainment Army Force Generation Modularity/Force Structure Evolution of Doctrine Military Police Etc.
Institutional Subseries All require resources/personnel/expertise from Army Commands/ASCCs with senior leader advocacy and support Examine institutional development, tactical impact in, and influences of operations in Afghanistan and Iraq Topics for each volume will derive from Warfighter functions (movement and maneuver, intelligence, . . . ) Army branches (Special Forces, Engineers, Aviation, Signal, Transportation, Medical, . . .) Functional Areas (information operations, cyber, civil-military, . . . ) Special Topics (operational law)
How Long to Publish a Book? A qualified, skilled, well-trained historian can publish an official history in 5 to 7 years. Conduct Primary Research: 1-2 years Write and revise draft chapters: 2-3 years External Review: 3-6 months Security Review and Publication Process: 1-2 years Assuming: The author doesn’t die. Other tasks, promotions, transfers, or retirements don’t disrupt the project. Research materials are adequate. Leaders guide the project and limit project goals.
Hurdles Personnel: Records Management/Archival Support Permanent and term positions Contracting Military personnel Acquiring & managing people Records Management/Archival Support Declassification Other pressing demands NMUSA Commemoration Other tasks, RFIs, and special projects
Current Projects VISION LINES OF EFFORT OBJECTIVES CMH Assign Research Write Review Revise Approve Publish CMH More books, monographs, and articles based on authoritative, primary sources Organized document collections Building blocks for doctrine Establish Operational Framework Tell Soldiers’ Stories Basis for Continuing Research Schlosser Surge Reardon Iraqi Army Story CFLCC ACOMs/ASCCs/DRUs Sanders, AMEDD Anderson, ARNG Mobilization Middaugh, ARNG in Iraq Jones, AMEDD Borch, Operational Law Army Fellowships Contractors
The Way Ahead…. Integrate new hires to launch more projects Guide current projects to completion Complete a DA EXORD to integrate Army-wide collaborative efforts. Prepare a two-day conference for the winter/spring 2018 focused on the Tan Books.
Questions for Discussion Is your command able to contribute to the Tan Books? What help do you need from CMH to participate? How could a DA EXORD on the Tan Books bolster your command’s support for your history office?
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