Special Senses Foundation Standard 1: Academic Foundation Understand human anatomy, physiology, common diseases and disorders, and medical math principles. 1.13 Analyze basic structures and functions of human body systems structures and functions of eye, ear, nose and tongue identify senses for sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch 1.21 Describe common diseases and disorders of each body system Etiology Pathology Diagnosis Treatment Prevention
The Senses Special Sight, hearing, taste, smell General (through out body) Heat, cold, pain, nausea, hunger, thirst, touch Cutaneous (skin) Touch, heat, cold, pain Visceral Nausea, hunger, thirst, need to urinate and defecate 1.13 Analyze basic structures and functions of human body systems (special senses). a. Special senses (structures and functions of eye, ear, nose and tongue; identify senses for sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch)
The Eye External Structure Orbit- cavity Fatty tissue-cushions and protects eyeball Muscle- connect eye to orbit Eyelids- protect from intense light and foreign particles Eyelashes-sensors Sebum- to keep soft and pliable Conjunctiva Membrane that lines the eyelid and covers the exposed eyeball Lacrimal Apparatus Gland produces tears- lysozyme(antiseptic), cleanse, and lubricate eye Tear ducts- drain tears into the nasal cavity 1.13 Analyze basic structures and functions of human body systems (special senses). a. Special senses (structures and functions of eye, identify senses for sight,)
The Eye © F.A. Davis, 2016. Reprinted with permission from Diseases of the Human Body, Sixth Edition, by Carol A. Tamparo, and Anatomy & Physiology in a Flash! An Interactive, Flash-Card Approach, by Joy Hurst. All rights reserved 1.13 Analyze basic structures and functions of human body systems (special senses). a. Special senses (structures and functions of eye; identify senses for sight,)
The Internal Eye Layers Sclera- outermost protective layer Cornea- transparent, no blood vessels, curved to allow bending of light to focus on retina Choroid- contains blood vessels for nourishment Pupil- area where light passes through Iris- colored portion of the eye, controls the size of the pupil Retina Nerve ending that receive and interpret the light rays 1.13 Analyze basic structures and functions of human body systems (special senses). a. Special senses (structures and functions of eye; identify senses for sight,)
Chambers Anterior Chamber Aqueous humor Bathes iris, pupil, and lens Biconvex, crystalline lens Shape controlled by the ciliary lens Accommodation (change angle of refraction to focus on retina) Posterior Chamber Vitreous humor- jellylike fluid to maintain shape of eye 1.13 Analyze basic structures and functions of human body systems (special senses). a. Special senses (structures and functions of eye; identify senses for sight,)
The Sense of Vision Light Conjunctiva Cornea Aqueous Humor Lens Accommodation (refraction of light and change the shape of the lens) Vitreous Humor Focus on Retina Optic Nerve (Receptors- Rods for dim light and Cones for bright and color) Scott/Fong. Body Structures and Functions 13E @ 2017 Delmar, Learning, a part of Cengage Learning, Inc. Reproduced by permission. www.cengage.com/permissions 1.13 Analyze basic structures and functions of human body systems (special senses). a. Special senses (structures and functions of eye; identify senses for sight,)
Eye Disorders Cataracts- clouded lens Corrected with surgery Strabismus- eye muscles fail to coordinate Children Corrected with lenses, exercises, or surgery © F.A. Davis, 2016. Reprinted with permission from Diseases of the Human Body, Sixth Edition, by Carol A. Tamparo, and Anatomy & Physiology in a Flash! An Interactive, Flash-Card Approach, by Joy Hurst. All rights reserved 1.21 Describe common diseases and disorders of each body system (a. Etiology, b. Pathology, c. Diagnosis, d. Treatment, e. Prevention
Eye Disorders Myopia (nearsighted) Distant objects are blurry Eyeball too long Light rays do not focus on retina Hyperopia (farsighted) Near objects blurry Eyeball too short Focal point behind retina Presbyopia (farsighted) occurs with age © F.A. Davis, 2016. Reprinted with permission from Diseases of the Human Body, Sixth Edition, by Carol A. Tamparo, and Anatomy & Physiology in a Flash! An Interactive, Flash-Card Approach, by Joy Hurst. All rights reserved 1.21 Describe common diseases and disorders of each body system (a. Etiology, b. Pathology, c. Diagnosis, d. Treatment, e. Prevention
Eye Disorders Amblyopia (lazy eye) Abnormal dominance of one eye Poor vision in other eye Treated by covering dominant eye Glaucoma Increased pressure caused by excessive production of aqueous humor or failure to drain Treated with medication or surgery 1.21 Describe common diseases and disorders of each body system (a. Etiology, b. Pathology, c. Diagnosis, d. Treatment, e. Prevention
The Ear 1.13 Analyze basic structures and functions of human body systems (special senses). a. Special senses (structures and functions of ear, identify senses for hearing)
The Sense of Hearing External Ear Pinna (Auricle) Outer projection that collects and focuses sound waves Auditory Canal Conducts sound waves to tympanic membrane Contains cerumen (ear wax) to protect and lubricate the ear Tympanic Membrane (ear drum) Separates external ear from middle ear Conducts sound waves 1.13 Analyze basic structures and functions of human body systems (special senses). a. Special senses (structures and functions of ear, identify senses for hearing)
The Sense of Hearing Middle Ear Ossicles Hammer (maleus) anvil (incus) stirrup (stapes) oval window inner ear Amplify sound waves through solid (bone) Eustachian Tubes Connect the middle ear to the pharynx to equalize pressure Inner Ear Cochlea Cochlea Duct – fluid (perilymph) Back of cochlea- endolymph Organ of Corti hair like receptors) acoustic nerve brain Semicircular Canals- equilibrium (balance) 1.13 Analyze basic structures and functions of human body systems (special senses). a. Special senses (structures and functions of ear; identify senses hearing)
Hearing Disorders Otitis Media Acute middle ear infection Children, often associated with upper respiratory infections Pain, edema, pus Antibiotics if bacterial, chronic tubes inserted in tympanic membrane Otosclerosis Excessive bone growth in middle ear Affects the stapes causing immobilization of the bone and deafness Surgical removal of stapes and replacement with an artificial stapes Tinnitus- Ringing in the ears Damage to the inner ear hairs 1.13 Analyze basic structures and functions of human body systems (special senses). a. Special senses (structures and functions of tongue; identify senses for, taste)
The Sense of Taste Taste Buds (Receptors) cranial nerves Sweet, Sour, Salty, Bitter, and Umami, Controversy over taste bud pattern 1.13 Analyze basic structures and functions of human body systems (special senses). a. Special senses (structures and functions of tongue; identify senses for, taste)
The Sense of Smell and Touch Receptors in the olfactory region of the upper part of the nasal cavity cranial nerves 90% of taste, therefore little taste during colds Touch Temperature, Touch, Tickle, Traction, Pain, Pressure 1.13 Analyze basic structures and functions of human body systems (special senses). a. Special senses (structures and functions of nose and tongue; identify senses for smell, taste, touch)